Chapter Four

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The human body, I've learned, can survive 21 days without food.  I wasn't sure if on that 21st day it just died or if that's when your organs began to shut off.  Me?  I knew very well that day four was a hard one.  I could barely sit up without nearly fainting.  I couldn't lift anything heavier than my own phone and water started tasting kind of like there were pennies in it.

So when I woke up on day five and I could hardly lift an arm, I knew something probably needed to change.  I planned my day and all it included was taking a shower and eating something.

I pulled myself carefully out of bed, using everything around me to lean on as I made my way towards the mini fridge.  I would have loved to take a shower first, but I needed strength for that.  I grabbed the easiest things to eat, some string cheese and jerky, and made my way to the shower.

As soon as I got out, I felt so much better.  I had a little strength back and I felt clean and I was instantly, as always, regretting going so long without showering and eating.  I walked over to my bed and sat down, grabbing my phone that's been off since I got to the hotel five days ago.

My phone didn't stop chiming for several minutes.  I had hundreds of missed calls from Alice, my parents and a number I didn't recognize as well has so many text messages, my phone lost count.  I didn't think that was possible.

I called my dad first, knowing how worried he would be, especially in another country.

"Harlen!" he cried before the first ring was done.  "Baby, are you okay?  Where are you?  Ellen called and told me you didn't come home.  Alice has been blowing up my phone for days.  What happened?"

I felt tears fill my eyes at the pain in his voice.  I had broken his heart by doing this.  He sounded so scared.  "I'm okay, daddy, I promise," I told him, my voice still so tired.  "I needed some time to myself so I rented a hotel room and turned my phone off.  In retrospect, I really should have told you and I'm sorry."

He let out a sigh of relief.  "She's okay," he told whoever was there with him.  "Okay, that's okay, sweetheart, but next time, please tell me so I can avoid calling the school."

My eyes widened in shock.  "I'm sorry, what?"

"I had too, Har.  They gave me the number to your Literary teacher.  The principle said you guys had this connection so she thought he might know where you were.  I even gave him your number thinking he might be able to get through to you."

My jaw dropped in humiliation.  "Are you serious," I hissed.

"I know it's embarrassing, but my options were limited."

Right, to any normal student, this would count as a moment for humiliation.  The dad calling the teacher to track her down.  Any real student would be afraid to show her face at school.  I, however, just didn't want him having my number.  That was a temptation I didn't know I could fight.  "Limited?" I argued.  "Oh my gosh, dad, bank statements?  Ever heard of them?  I have your American Express."

He was quiet for a moment.

I pursed my lips.  "Yeah, Jesus, dad, you're so humiliating."

He let out a sigh.  "Well, sweetheart, you know I'm not the brightest."

Not true, he was as smart as a rocket scientist.  "Dad, you're the smartest person I know," I mumbled, letting out a breath.  "You were just too worried about me to think straight."

"Thank you, baby.  Now, I have to get back to this meeting, they're all starting to stare."

"Dad!" I cried.  "You couldn't, I don't know, step out of the room and take the call?"

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