Chapter Eleven

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Harlen's POV

The day she left Elijah's.

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I could not believe I let it slip out.  It just blurted out of me like it was midnight and I hadn't slept in three days.  Oh my gosh and he didn't even respond.  He didn't say it back.  He looked so shocked.  Maybe he didn't feel the same way?  No, he had too.  He gave me a kitten.  We had sex.  Didn't that mean he felt something more than just like for me?

I shook my head.  My dad was in the hospital, I needed to focus.  An accident?  He was the best driver I ever knew, but it wasn't impossible for him to wreck.  Maybe Elijah had been right.  Maybe this was some sort of cruel joke because I was so happy now.  No, no, she wouldn't do that.  She had never crossed that line and I wanted to believe that she never would.

I glanced down at my wrist, smiling when I saw the charm bracelet glimmering in the sunlight.  It had been the best birthday ever.  A day I would never forget.  I felt myself smiling as we pulled up to the hospital.  Maybe it was time to tell my dad.  Sure, he would be upset, but he couldn't deny how happy I was, right?  He would be happy too, right?

"Good luck," the cabby said.

I nodded, throwing him a twenty as I jumped out of the car.  I jogged into the front doors and up to the front desk.  "Derrick Rush?"

The lady at the desk clicked, her eyes moving back and forth before her brow furrowed.  "No Derrick Rush here."

My eyes furrowed in confusion, my heart speeding up.  "Um...try Ellen Rush?"

Seconds ticked by.  "Nope, sorry."

I stepped back.  Had Reign been right?  I turned around, watching all of the people teeming about.  Hospitals always gave me the heebie jeebies.


I spun around to see Peter standing in the hall, his smile evil, his eyes dark.

My heart stopped.  "Where is my dad?"

He shrugged as he sauntered over to me.  "I don't know what you're talking about," he smiled, stopping in front of me.

I swallowed, fear filling me.  "Mom called me telling me that dad was in the hospital."

"I don't know anything about that.  Come on, you must be tired.  I see that you probably didn't get much sleep last night."

I looked down at Reign's sweats and tee shirt and wrapped my arms around myself.  "Jane had some old things I could wear since I didn't bring a change of clothes," I quickly said.

He nodded, grabbing my arm.  "Lets get you home, little sis."

I tried to pull out of his grip, my stomach turning.  This wasn't right.  Something was very very wrong.  "Let go of me," I told him, yanking my arm.

"Sorry, kiddo, you're mine now," he replied, jogging me across the street.

My heart started slamming in my chest.  Where was my phone?

He pulled me up to his car and yanked my phone out of my hand.  "You don't need that anymore," he told me, tossing it into his car.

"Peter, what are you doing?" I asked, the panic becoming overwhelming.

"Getting you a....surprise," he smiled before punching me.

Everything went black.

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