Chapter Nine

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Two weeks have gone by. My mother and brother have been extra cruel lately and I was sure it was because I was showing more confidence than before. They needed to knock me down. I hadn't self harmed since that night, however. The bruises were easy to cover up and they were careful not to hurt my face again, for fear my father was going to find out.

Christmas was getting closer, my favorite holiday. Was I allowed to decorate? No. They had gotten the house ready when I was in school, knowing that it would upset me.

Jeremy and I were getting closer. It was like we had always been friends. He came to detention every other day to visit and texted me constantly, but allowed Elijah and I time to ourselves.

Elijah and I only grew closer in our relationship. My feelings for him were growing deeper and my scars lighter. He was helping me heal myself and I couldn't have been more grateful.

I was happy. It was as simple as that.

I got to school and it was the week of my birthday. I wanted to forget about it, but Jeremy and his little sister were very adamant about reminding me every morning about it.

Elijah was very kind in not talking about it, that is, until Thursday after school.

I walked into detention, knowing that Jeremy and Jane would already be there.

Jeremy was sitting in my desk, Jane in the one next to his.  Compared to Jeremy, Jane was petite.  She was shorter than all of us by a few inches, but a person hardly noticed because usually, the first thing anyone saw was her bright purple hair.  She changed it every few months, but she always went back to purple as Jeremy had explained.  Her hair fell just past her shoulder blades, but I swore it was longer every time I saw her.  She had fair skin and I had made the joke often enough of how I believed she may be a vampire.  She came across as hard and bad ass, but once I got to know her, I found out that she had the kindest heart I had ever been around.  Jeremy had been right, Jane was a really great person to be friends with.  She was a good listener and she was far more funny than Jeremy.  Her personality was outgoing unless she didn't like you then you constantly got the cold shoulder.  She wasn't afraid to tell people what she thought about them which was great for me because all she ever said was how perfect Reign and I were together and how amazing I was.  She, just like Jeremy, was my instant friend and it was like we had been friends forever.

"Hey," I smiled, walking in.

Reign pushed away from his desk, walked over and placed a warm, soft kiss on my lips.  "Good afternoon, darling."

"Hey, Q," Jeremy beamed.  "Have we got a surprise for you!"

"Correction," Jane went on, rolling her eyes.  "Eli has a surprise for you, Jeremy just wants to take all the credit for himself."

"Not true!"

I laughed and looked over to Reign.  "Eli?"  He hated when anyone called him that.  He had informed me that he had just given up with these two, but he had never liked that name.

"Oh, Eli?" he mocked, tickling my sides.

I laughed and shoved him away.  "Okay, okay, noted.  What is tweedle dork talking about?"

"I take full offense to that," Jeremy spoke from behind me.

"Serves you right for taking the credit," Jane told him.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.  "I thought you said you weren't doing anything?"  I never liked my birthday.  My dad always tried to make it great, but if he wasn't gone, he was at work and if he was at home, my mother and brother would just wait until he was asleep and they would...give me my present.  I doubted that this year was going to be any different, but I had my distraction to keep me sane.

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