Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Irene is contemplating wether to go to work or not.

"Irene! Darling! You didn't tell me that you have such a good looking boss! You look good together! Oh my! My princess met her prince! Look the dress really looks good on you! I knew it!"
Her mom smiling while reading the newspaper.

"Its just a rumor mom, we are with Mr. Hans for business, its just that there was an emergency and he left us after so we just ate, who wouldnt be hungry after that long and tiring travel?."

'I didn't even know that my boss is like a celebrity, being chased by dispatch.' Irene still thinking about what happened yesterday. How can she face her boss and her colleagues?

"Anyways,our company already responded on that rumor ." She said while taking another look at the newspaper her mom is holding.

"Aren't you going to work today? You've been absent for two days now. You might lose your job." Her mom look at her, worried.

"Ah! That's it! I'm going to work today and pretend that nothing happened!" Irene hurriedly went to prepare herself, leaving her mom confused.

"Pretend nothing happened? Did something happened?"
She can hear her mom from downstairs.

"The rumor mom!" She shouted in her room,

"Oh.. i see." Her mom, seemingly understanding the situation. And just smiled "Well, Im really hoping that the rumor is true!"

"What?? Mom!?" Irene hollered back.

"Anyways Don't worry darling! Pretend that nothing happened!" With that, her mom keep the newspaper and continue making kimchi.


On her way to work, she passed by the cafe to order coffee and someone behind taps her shoulder,

She look behind her to see a tall guy with round eyes smiling at her. It was Chanyeol.
"Oh! Hi! How are you?"

"I'm good. How about you? I heard you're dating with some Chaebol?" And Chanyeol winked at her.

"Oh that?? Oh c'mon! Don't tell me you also believe that? Its not true. Our company already released a statement regarding that"

"Of course I didn't. That's why I'm gonna ask you on a date." With confidence, he winked at her.

Irene don't know what to respond. Her answer is No.
" Oh,.. yeah, uh sure!" She blurted out.
She internally smack herself.

"Yes! Tonight. I'll pick you up after work. What time will you be out?"

"I'm not sure but maybe around six. Call me! Bye!" she immediately gets her coffee and hurriedly went out. She know shes running late.

She didn't realize that Chanyeol is following her, with his long legs and wide strides he easily caught up.
"You look like you are in a hurry. C'mon, I can drive you to work." He unlocks his car.

Irene thinks its a good idea to just hop in his car because she is almost late.  So she did.

In just five minutes they are already there.
"Jamsung Corp. We're here." Chanyeol stop the car and open the door for Irene.

She can already see some eyes on her. And tried to ignore.
"I need tp act cool and nothing happened' she reminded herself.

She was thanking Chanyeol when someone beep a horn behind Chanyeol's car.

It's Seokjin.

Chanyeol hurriedly went inside his car after slightly bowing to the tinted window car behind ,apologizing to its unknown driver. Chanyeol signaled to Irene that he will call her before speeding off.

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