Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

[Airport Terminal]

Irene's POV

She can't believe she is going to Germany! This is her first time to travel out of the country. It still feels like a dream to her.

"Ok, i know this is a business travel and I might not really enjoy staying there since this is all work and no fun."
She told herself, but still she couldn't hide the excitement. Its her first trip out of the country and with Mr.Kim Seokjin!
"Ok, so what? Its not like he will notice you or you're going on a date." She keeps on reminding herself.

She cringed at the thought of 'date'.
"Ms. Irene? Is there something that's bugging you?" Seokjin asked.
"I..uh.. no sir! I just.. well," Irene was trying to think of an excuse for her reaction.
"You're nervous? Don't worry, You'll be fine." Seokjin smiled at her.
Looking at him like this makes her heart flutter.
"Ah,Yes,I'm nervous to be honest. This is my first time to go out of the country..Sir."
"Drop the honorifics when we're not at work. You can just call me Jin." Seokjin checks their boarding passes,
"Alright, it's about time.." He stood up and get their luggage "If we have time, I can tour you around."
Irene's eyes widened after hearing what Seokjin said. She really cant contain her excitement now but she still hid it very well.
"Thank you so much Sir," she bowed while walking with him to the boarding area.

"It will be 11 hours flight, so we can have our late dinner at the hotel ,Mr.Hans will be waiting for us."
During their flight Irene is a little nervous on the air pockets that she didn't realize she is holding Seokjin's arm while her eyes were tightly shut. Then she felt a hand gently holds her.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine" she heard a soothing voice telling her.
She slowly opened her eyes and look at her boss looking at her with a small smile on his face.
She immediately noticed their close proximity and her hands on his arms, her eyes widened and she blushed in embarassment
"Ohh! Im really sorry sir,I just.. well this is my first time to, oh gosh! I'm really sorry" she keep her hands inside her pocket and hide her face in embarrassment. She just shut her eyes until she was deep in slumber.

Jin's POV

He watched her sleeps beside him,
He won't deny how cute she is holding on to him while she is scared earlier.
Since he was a kid he used to travel a lot. He doesn't even remember when is his first flight out of the country, but he got used to air pockets and bumpy rides, even when flight attendants almost roll on the floor.

He take a good view to the sleeping beauty beside him. He is now curious about her. She looks professional and serious but still acts innocent and cute. This girl is pulling him and he is not sure if he can resist. He tried to avoid the attraction he is feeling for Irene but now he is not sure anymore.

He tried to distract himself by watching a movie and ordered a glass of wine to the flight attendant. Then he feels a tug on his arm and see Irene sleeping while hugging his arm.  He just sighed and gave up on pulling his arm. He doesn't care anymore even if they look awkward or his arm is already getting numb.

Irene woke up, her head on Jin's wide shoulders, while Jin is sleeping. She immediately sat properly and fixed herself. She take a good look to the sleeping prince beside her. She still can't forget the encounter she had with his girlfriend. She don't want to assume things,since she doesn't know anything personal about him or her. She look at his pouty lips, they look so soft that she wants to kiss it. She blushed at the thought.
'Oh, I'm being dumb again'

The pilot announced their landing in Germany. It was a long flight and she couldn't believe they are here.

A man in suite is waiting for them in the airport and they headed to the car that is waiting outside. Irene sat next to the driver ,Mr.Lee, while Jin is on the backseat.

It's a short ride to the hotel, a lady assisted them to their rooms. Jin is on the VIP suite,and the lady with the bellman assisted him,
Before partings ways with his secretary, he handed her a card.
"See you at the lobby in 30mins, we'll have a dinner with Mr. Hans."

Irene looks at her room, it's beautiful and elegant. The bed is big that she hoped she brought her mom with her. She unpacked her things and look for a dress she can wear for their dinner with Mr. Hans, she saw the black dress her mom bought for her.

She immediately called her mom" Eomma, we are now here in Germany! I still cant believe it. I wish you'te here with me. It feels so lonely in my room. The bed is big enough for the both of us. I will call again, we are having a meeting with Mr.Hans, call you again later bye! Just want you to know that we got here safe. Love you! Bye!"

She took a quick shower. Put on the black dress that her mom choose at the mall. She look at herself in the mirror.
"This is not a date, but Mom said when I wear this, the man i will date will be mine forever.Nonsense." She let out a small laugh. Her mom is funny but she cant believe she still hangs in her words even if its a joke. She just brushed her hair and put on light make up. She keep the card inside her shoulder bag with her organizer and pen and celphone.

She waited for the elevator to see Seokjin inside. She bowed and went inside.
Seokjin really has the aura of a young CEO. His suit is neat. His exposed forehead showed his strong and beautiful eyebrows that perfectly matched his eyes and his face overall.
If only it's not awkward, she would've praised his looks by now.

Jin was surprised to see Irene entered the elevator. She looks stunning in her black dress that shows her curves. Her beautiful face was perfectly framed by her black hair. Her pale slender shoulders were exposed. He would've dated her if only she's not his secretary. If only its not awkward and he won't sound pervert, he would've praised her looks now.

They were silent inside the elevator so Jin tried to break the ice.
"So, have you called your mom?"
"Yes Sir, i already informed her that we are now here in Germany."
"Good. I'm sorry to keep you late but it's part of our job."
"No, its ok sir. No need to apologize. I mean, i know this is part of my job. And I really enjoy my work, so it's really ok." Irene smiled at him to assure him the she is ok.

"Good. Im glad you are enjoying it."


They are now at the lobby, and she saw a tall man, who looks like he's on his late 40's waiting for them.
"Oh! schön dich zu sehen Mr. Kim! Its nice to see you back in Germany!"
"Nice to see you again Mr.Hans" They shook hands and the man look at Irene.
"Who is this beautiful young lady?"
"She's my new secretary. This is Ms. Bae Irene, Irene, meet Mr. Hans, he is our manager here in Germany." He shook hands with Irene.
"She is beautiful. I hope Ms.Jisoo won't get jealous." Mr.Hans let out a loud laugh.

Irene felt awkward but she tried to fake a laugh. "Oh no, don't say that Mr.Hans, there's no reason for Mr.Kim's girlfriend to get jealous, this is all work. And besides I know how loyal Mr.Kim is to his girlfriend." She's already blabbering and Jin felt that Irene is feeling awkward.
"Oh don't worry. She won't. We're no longer together." He is not sure if he made the situation more awkward.
Irene was shocked to hear what her boss just said. So its really her girlfriend she saw at the mall.
Mr.Hans feels the awkwardness in the air.
"Oh,Anyways, have a sit, why don't we take our orders? Im sure you're tired and hungry haha"
Mr.Hans signaled to the waiter
"I won't stay long since my Dad is in the hospital right now. I need to go visit. I'm just glad to see Mr.Kim back in Germany, you will be meeting with our partners tomorrow after lunch. Here are the documents prepared. "
Mr. Hans handed him documents
"Thank you Mr. Hans."
After having a small talk, Mr.Hans bid his goodbye and left them.

Well, its just the two of them now on the table and if you'll pass by on their table you would think that they are a perfect couple on a  romantic date.

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