Meeting Her Nephews

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We were walking through the jungle, armed and ready if the Indominous Rex showed when a loud engine rev ripped through the air

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We were walking through the jungle, armed and ready if the Indominous Rex showed when a loud engine rev ripped through the air. We ran to the source of the noise and found a garage with fresh tire tracks.

"This one of theirs?" Dad asked, bending down and holding up a jumper. Claire nodded happily.

"That road goes straight back to the park" she said, trying to catch her breath.

"How'd they even get one of these things started?" I asked, running my hand on the bonnet and opening it up. Claire and I gasped when dust on the roof started falling, as if something was touching it. The three of us ducked in front of the car, crouching down. Dad turned the corner and looked at our guns, then the Indominous Rex's foot appeared. I held my breath as its nose was right next to me, it nudged the car a little, narrowly missing me. Once she backed up I turned around and quickly grabbed the guns, handing dad his. We let out a sigh of relief and started breathing again. Suddenly a loud crash came from beside me, the dinosaur had broken through the roof. Dad, Claire and I bolted through the door, just escaping a car crushing me. We went out the door single file and kept running, not looking back.

"Lowery, we found her, south of the gyrosphere valley between the old park and the aviary" Claire said to someone in controls.

"Yes, get ACU out here, real guns this time" Claire demanded.

"Who's flying it?" She asked confused.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Mr. Masrani is flying the ACU helicopter to the aviary" She resounded making me snort with laughter.

"Can he even fly?" I asked. She gave me a 'kinda, kinda not' face and I snorted again. We kept running and made it to a cliff with a beautiful view of the aviary. The chopper started firing at the Indominous Rex but it just busted through the glass dome, creating a wide hole for the pterodactyl hybrids to escape. They flew at the chopper, causing it to crash and explode, killing whoever was in it. We then saw the creatures coming at us and panicked.

"Head for the trees!" I yelled, running back the way we came. I dived to the ground, dad pulling himself and Claire down as well and watched them fly over us.

"Holy fuck" I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"We should head for the main area" dad said once the pterodactyls we're gone.

"Let's go" I said, standing up and running again.

Timeskip to them arriving in main area

We ran out of a clearing, making it to the main area of the park. Dad and I went off to grab rides while Claire was on the phone. However there was only a quad bike for two.

"Go! You take Claire and go, I saw a bike just around the corner I'll go grab it and meet you there" I informed, still trying to catch my breath.

"(Y/n) I-" he hesitated.

"Go!" I demanded. He nodded and got Claire. I ran full speed, avoiding frantic people, and eventually made it to the bike.

"Hello beautiful" I smirked, running a hand over it, jumping on and reving it. The purr calming my adrenaline and nerves.

*the bike btw*

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*the bike btw*

I flawed it, going full speed through the entrance dad and Claire went through and saw him laying on the ground with a pterodactyl snapping at his face. At the same time I saw a big one going for a pair of kids. I grabbed a tranq gun off of some random person and sped forwards on the bike, firing at both the big one and the one on dads face. Claire helped him up and stared at him for a bit, suddenly leaning in and kissing him. I smirked and whistled.

"KNEW IT!!" I yelled, they both laughed and Claire ran over to the two boys, who I'm guessing are her nephews.

"Daymn the eldest is hoooot" I thought, biting my lip a little. He obviously caught me staring because he had a pink blush on his cheeks. I then ran over to dad and hugged him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm good, you?" I nodded at his response.

"Thanks for the save" he smiled and I nodded in response. We then walked over to Claire and her nephews.

"Who are they?" Zach asked.

"We work together" she stated. I snorted, gaining their attention. I put my gun down and walked over to them.

"I'm (Y/n) Grady and this is my dad, Owen Grady, pleasure to meet the people we've run across the park looking for" I smirked and both the boys shook my hand.

"I'm sorry" Gray said, looking down. I ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Don't worry about it kiddo" he smiled and nodded.

"Hey. We gotta go" dad said, signalling to the gate. Claire lead the Zach and Gray out of the main area.

Zach's POV

I stared as a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair rode in on a motorcycle, shooting the big pterodactyl chasing us and the one on top of a mans face. I stared in awe at her.

"Bad-ass. How can someone be that beautiful?" I asked myself, amazed by her.

"How can I feel this way, I don't even know who she is?" I scolded myself, still admiring her. I then saw Claire help the man up and kiss him, making me confused but I didn't have time to think as she ran over to Gray and I, hugging us tight. I then noticed the girl was looking at me and biting her lip a little, making my cheeks heat up. She then ran to the man and hugged him, talking, afterwards they came over to us.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"We work together" Claire stated. The girl snorted, gaining our attention. She put her gun down and walked over to us.

"I'm (Y/n) Grady and this is my dad, Owen Grady, pleasure to meet the people we've run across the park looking for" she smirked. Gray and I shook her hand.

"Her voice is so angelic" I sighed inwardly, still admiring her.

"I'm sorry" Gray said, looking down. She ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Don't worry about it kiddo" he smiled and nodded.

"Hey. We gotta go" Owen said, signalling to the gate. Claire lead the Gray and I out of the main area.

Owen's POV

I watched my daughter and Zach stare at each other and smirked a little, knowing that I had one mission, besides stopping the Indominous Rex and that was to get them together.

Haha Owen the matchmaker. I hope you liked this chapter.
~ A. G

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