Truck Scare

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"Also, Claire said to open that window if we need anything" Gray informed me

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"Also, Claire said to open that window if we need anything" Gray informed me. I nodded and glanced at the door. Zach then reached down and held his hand out, I grabbed it back and smiled.

"Umm nothings getting in here right?" Gray asked a little scared.

"Don't worry, if it does you have me with you, I've been raised around dinosaurs and have a connection with them" I stated, trying to make him feel better. He nodded in response.

"What do you mean you have a connection with the dinosaurs?" He asked curiously.

"I don't really know how to explain it but I know what their thinking, I can't actually hear them say it, it's more of an instinct and they feel the same towards me" I told him making his eyes glow with excitement, causing me giggle.

"How did you find that out?" He asked in an excited tone.

"I'm glad I found something to keep him busy" I thought.

"When I was two I snuck off from my dad, Barry and Hoskins because they were boring me, so I went up to the Raptors cage and leaned my hand in. Instead of tearing me to shreds they let me pat them, enjoying it, they actually melted into my touch. Dad, Barry and Hoskins then came around the corner and stood there shocked that I wasn't dead" I said, living the moment in my mind again and smiling.

"Wow, your so coool" Gray said excited. I laughed and smiled at him.

"Thank you" I smiled, leaning in a little.

"You wanna know something else" I whispered, peaking his interest.

"I also helped train the T-Rex, I call her Rexy" I told him. It was like his eyes were going to pop out of his skull, it was so adorable.

"Woah that's AMAZING!" He yelled enthusiastically.

"Hey are you guys okay back there?" Claire asked, moving the window thing.

"Yeah, I'm just telling him about the dinosaurs I train with" I smiled at her.

"Oh okay, I thought something was wrong" she sighed.

"Nah, sorry" I apologised for scaring her considering she's in a pretty bad state at the moment.

"It's alright, I'm glad your all getting along" she smiled, closing the window again.

Zach's POV

I listened to her conversation with Gray, talking about her connection with the dinosaurs and which ones she's trained.

"She's amazing" I sighed inwardly, admiring her features as she told her story. Her smile was absolutely beautiful, it made me smile and I don't do that often.

"You alright Zach?" Gray asked suddenly making me snap out of my daydream.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" I stuttered trying not to make it obvious I was staring, a light blush covering my cheeks.

Connection (Zach x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now