Jaw Popping

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Lowery I'm on our way back to you" Claire said into her phone, holding her other ear so she could hear better.

"What do you mean use the Raptors?" Claire asked confused. My anger stared boiling as I looked at dad.

"That son of a fucking bitch" I snapped.

"I'm going to kill him" I started heavy breathing, trying to calm myself. We then heard an Ingen helicopter come over us.

"You shouldn't swear" Gray said.

"Take the kids and get them somewhere safe" Dad said to Claire and I.

"Rodger that" I nodded, looking back at the gate to see it was being pushed on. We started running for a Jeep as the gate flooded with people.

"I'm driving" I said while we were running to the car.

"No your not, get in the back" dad said, jumping in the drivers seat, Claire next to him. I sighed and looked at Zach.

"You mind if I..?" I asked, signalling to his lap and it was only a four seater car. He shook his head and I nodded, sitting on his lap. I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist and blushed crimson. Dad looked at me in the rear view window and smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"That little shit did it on purpose" I fumed in my head, flustered.

"Drive drive drive" Zach and Gray said. Dad reversed around the corner and into a little crevice in a wall, avoiding the terrified people. We all sighed in relief.

"This doesn't feel safe" Zach said.

"Can we stay with you?" Gray asked.

"I am never leaving you as long as you live" Claire said, catching her breath.

"No no, them. Yeah definitely them" they said in unison. I snorted.

"Hey we need to go to the Raptors now" I demanded to dad who nodded in agreement.

Timeskip to Raptor enclosure

Dad pulled up at the enclosure and we got out, storming towards Hoskins.

"The mother hens have finally arrived" he said cockily. I growled and launched my fist into his face, a satisfying pop coming from his jaw. I shook my hand out and death glared him.

"Get the hell out of here, and stay away from our animals" dad said, pure rage in his words.

"Hoskins you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch" Claire said frustrated.

"Oh Jesus, how many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense you youse?" He asked angrily, fixing his jaw.

"It's not a mission, it's a field test" Barry said, joining the conversation. I walked over and hugged him quickly, giving a sad smile.

"This is an Ingen situation now" he informed. Claire and I shook out heads in disbelief.

"Okay there are gonna be cruise ships that show up here at first light, everybody's going to get off this island, your gonna watch a news story tomorrow? About how you all saved lives, no no better yet how your animals saved lives" Hoskins stated. Dad and I looked at each other then to Barry.

"They've never been out of containment, it's crazy" Barry said, trying to reason. I honestly think we don't have much of a choice though.

"Let's move it out!" Hoskins yelled, turning back to us. "This is happenin, with or without you two" he stated, walking off. I looked at dad and sighed, going into a meeting room.

We stood in front of a bunch of Ingen soldiers ready to discuss the plan. Dad pointed to an area on the map.

"We know that she is in sector five, this is a game we call hide and seek, it's a set drill we've done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters, they like to heard the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot, we got a clear shot, wait on my command and give her everything you've got, we got one good target gentlemen, do not shoot our Raptors" dad finished explaining the plan.

"Please" I finished, glaring at all the soldiers. They all nodded and the meeting was closed. Dad and I headed over to the Raptors to try and calm them down a little. I walked over to Delta and gently placed my hands on her head, shhhhh'ing her.

"Hey beautiful, I'm sorry this had to happen but you'll be fine" I smiled, kissing her head. Dad was over talking to Blue, trying to calm her.

"Owen, (Y/n)" Gray said from the gate. We turned and walked to him and Zach.

"Are they safe?" He asked.

"No there not" I sighed, looking back at them.

"What are their names?" Zach asked curiously.

"Well, you got Charlie, echo" I said, pointing to the two Raptors.

"Here's Delta, and this ones called Blue" dad finished, pointing to the other two. "She's the beta"

"Who's the alpha?" Gray asked.

"Your lookin at them kid" I said, leaning on dads shoulder and smirking. The boys smiled the walked over to Claire.

"Hey dad I wanna be apart of this" I said once the boys were gone.

"Look (Y/n) I know you love these animals as much as I do but I can't risk it, it's too dangerous" dad said sadly.

"Please, I can help" I argued.

"No" he said sternly.

"I won't have you out their with us, so much can go wrong and I love you too much to let that happen. You'll stay in the truck with the boys" dad informed and I growled.

"Fine" I snapped, stomping to the back of the truck, opening the doors up, stepping in and slamming it closed.

"Woah are you okay?" Zach asked.

"Fine, perfectly fine" I snapped, slightly scaring the two. I sighed and turned to them.

"Sorry, I just want to help but dad won't let me" I said a little upset.

"It's understandable why your upset, your close with them" Gray said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"But hey you get to sit in here with us" Zach said, trying to lighten the mood. I smiled and nodded, sitting on the floor next to him.

Zach's POV

I don't know why but when she was upset it made me upset too, all I wanted to do was hug her and tell her everything will be alright, even if I didn't know it was true. Maybe it's just the adrenaline of running from the dinosaur, or maybe it's not but I feel different, happy and flustered when I look at her, what is this feeling?

Hey everyone, I know this is strange ya know Zach falling in love after like 5 hours but just go with it. Besides your reading this story so my guess is you don't mind.
~ A. G

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