Medical Greetings (Final)

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Rexy stares at Blue then to me, I walked out from my safe spot and approached her

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Rexy stares at Blue then to me, I walked out from my safe spot and approached her.

"(Y/n)!" Dad hissed, trying to stop me but I didn't listen. I slowly moved my hand and touched her nose.

"You did well Rexy, I'm so proud of you" I smiled, then started crying as this would be the last time I see her again. "I'll miss you baby" I said through heavy tears. She nudged her head into my touch as if saying she'll miss me too and left. I then turned to Blue and smiled, approaching cautiously and held my hand out, moving in slowly and touching her head as well. "You did amazing too sweetheart. I'll miss you more, I'm sorry about Delta, Charlie and Echo" I sighed, my tears still falling rapidly. She melted into my touch and made an affectionate noise. "This reminds me of when we first me" I giggled, Blue gave off a noise which sounded like a laugh and turned to my dad as he came over, patting her too. I stepped back and gave them their time. (I know that's not what happened in the movie but it broke my heart he didn't say goodbye). As soon as I stepped away I saw Zach run up and hug me tight.

"Oh my god your okay, your crazy you know that? I thought you were going to die, I thought-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. It was an act of adrenaline and as soon as it happened I pulled back, embarrassed.

"Sorry I got caught up in-" he didn't let me finish as his lips crashed back onto mine again, lasting longer this time. We broke apart when I heard my dad clearing his throat, the two of us blushing like crazy.

"Yay I'm going to have a sister!" Gray yelled excitedly, running up and hugging me tight. "That was AWESOME. YOU REALLY DO HAVE A BOND WITH THE DINOSAURS, YOUR SO COOOOL" Gray yelled, his little body pumping with excitement, causing Claire, dad, Zach and I to laugh. "Wait until I tell people at school my brothers girlfriend is a badass dinosaur whisperer" I snorted.

"Thanks kiddo, that means a lot" I smiled and kissed his head. "And if you have any troubles with bullies call me up and I'll kick their butts" I whispered in his ear making him nod and laugh. He then let go and I made my way over to dad, who had just sent Blue off.

"Hey it's alright sweetheart, they'll be safe" he assured as realisation hit again and I started crying.

"I- I know but I-I g-rew up w-ith the-m" I said, my tears gushing down. He sighed and shhhh'ed me, kissing my head.

"I know kid, I know it's hard but just remember that they'll be fine. Now they have the whole island to themselves" I pulled away and nodded I agreement.

"Yo-ur righ-t" I sniffled, wiping my tears away. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Sooo Zach huh?" He smirked, wriggling his eyebrows making my blush crimson. "Knew it" he said fist bumping the air. "Knew it from the start" he said triumphantly as we made our way over to the others.

"Shut up" I mumbled. He laughed and Claire slapped his arm, looking at me.

"Ignore him" she smiled and I nodded, hugging her.

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