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*Your outfit - unless you wanna change it -> this will be for the rest of the story btw*

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*Your outfit - unless you wanna change it -> this will be for the rest of the story btw*

I sat on a crate touching up my bike, dad doing the same.

"What ya doin squirt?" Dad asked.

"Just some touch ups, nothing to big, you?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Same as you" I nodded, jamming to the music I was playing through my headphones.

"What are you listening too?" He asked. I took the headphones out of the jack and played the song out loud. He laughed.

"Our favourite song" I said, smiling. We both stared singing along to (favourite song) and thumping our feet to the beat while working on our bikes. It's moments like these I cherish with my dad, I truely love him. I then noticed a silver SUV park.

"Claire" I smirked, knowing her and dads history. Personally I like her and think they suit each other. Dad noticed the car pull up too and sighed, continuing with his bike. I put my headphones back in, leaving one out so I can here their conversation. I smiled and waved at her, she returned the gesture.

"What do they want now?" Dad asked.

"Mr. Grady" Claire greeted, walking over to dad. I snickered at get professionalism. "We need you to come, take a look at something"

"Why are you callin me Mr Grady?" Dad asked confused. I snorted, still working on my bike.

"Owen" she sighed. "If your not to busy"

"I'm pretty busy" dad said, drinking his coke.

"We have an attraction" Claire stated.

"That's not what you said the last time I saw ya" dad said and I chuckled.

"I'm talking about the dinosaurs Mr. Grady" she sighed at my dads humour.

"Owen" he corrected.

"A new species was made" she said, trying to shoo off a fly. Dad walked up and caught it with his hand.

"Show off" I mumbled, maintaining my peaceful state.

"You jus went and made a new dinosaur?" Dad asked. I don't see the attraction with that, their wow enough.

"Yeah, it's uh kinda what we do here" she said obnoxiously.

"The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks. Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you" she informed.

"You wanna consult here?... or... in my bungalow?" He asked. I snorted and spat my coke out of my mouth, laughing.

"That's not funny" Claire said.

"Yeah it is" I said, speaking up for the first time. Dad chuckled and walked up the stairs of the van.

"A little funny" he stated.

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