To Pittsburgh

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        We waited too late to start packing. I was catching Dove up with the lastest WWE news. I don't know why I'm doing this so late. I've been in the WWE for months and I don't know if she ever watched me.

        What a friend I have, I thought.

        She was doing well, though. She understood the wrestlers based on how they look and gave them little nicknames to remember. I don't remember all the little nicknames, but Seth Rollins was Halfhead and Undertaker was the Emo Giant.

        It was late in the evening when we realized that we should get packing. We rushed to get all of our things together. We usually don't rush, but we were leaving on the bus at 6 a.m.

        I was helping Dove pack all of her art supplies when she started asking me what it was like working for WWE.

        "Well, it's definitely an amazing experience," I started, "You get to do what you love with other people who have the same interest. Some people have been here from the beginning and some, like me, are brand new. We get tips from retired wrestlers and we keep the legends alive that way."

        "Wow," Dove said, "sounds like you gotta pretty sweet job."

        "Yeah," I said, "I guess you could say that."

        When it was about 5:30 in the morning, Dove and I crashed on the couch. I set my alarm on my phone for 30 minutes and I automatically closed my eyes. For that half hour, I tried to think of what could be in the script for me after being out for months. I thought about how I get to see Natalya, Layla, and Trinity more often and seeing and meeting more Superstars.

        I heard the light strum of a guitar in my ear. I almost went into a deeper sleep when I heard it, but I realized it was my alarm. I opened my eyes to see that Dove had landed on the floor face first into the carpet. I giggled as I took a picture of my roomate.

        "I'll try not to put that on Instagram," I said to myself quietly.

        I got on my knees and rubbed Dove's back to wake her up. She started to stir after a while.

        "Wake up Dove," I said quietly, "Time to get on the bus now."

        "Ugh," I heard Dove groan as she sat up to look at me. Her face had indentions of the carpet on it from laying there for about 30 minutes.

        "You might want to look decent," I said giggling, "We're still gonna see people."

        Dove gave a slow nod.

        "Then I'm going back to sleep on that bus," she said quietly.

        "Sure thing, Dove," I said.

        On our way down, we met Jon, Joe, and Colby as we went downstairs to the bus.

        "Nice to see you again, Beth," Colby said, walking toward us, then he looked at Dove. "Hello there. Are you a friend of Beth's?" Colby asked Dove.

        Dove looked confused. I think I forgot to tell her my ring name was Beth Taylor. But, eventually she realized he was talking about me.

        "Oh yeah," she finally said, "I've known her for years."

        "Ah," Colby said, "I see." He stuck out his hand. "My name's Colby, or Seth Rollins, whichever is fine."

        Dove took his hand. I saw her lean to the left a little and she looked at me. We were both thinking the same thing: It's Halfhead.

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