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Haz's POV:

Life was simple at the moment. I have a cute, adorable son, Hayden. My parents have been a great support over the years which was very unexpected. They've helped me so much in every way to raise my son. Being a dad at 19 wasn't a great thing but I pulled it off pretty well if I say so myself. I had to get into a local college to take care of my year old son while juggling part time jobs at a bakery and a cafe. I had to work hard so that I could meet his every need. My parents tried to convince me to accept their financial aids but I was strong about denying it. I was more than capable of working hard and I did. I graduated a year ago with a Bachelor's degree in Sound engineering with the same high grades that were expected out of me all through my school. I would say I'm proud of myself.

My best friends Niall and Louis have been a pillars of support. Yes, Louis. He almost banged me up the day everything happened. Later, I went to talk to him,where he said about the conversation they had that fateful day. So, I felt more guilty than ever. But, I'm an arrogant son of a bi**h who can't agree when he's wrong. Louis had been furious and held me responsible of chasing away his best friend. But I apologized to him and since then we became acquaintances and best of friends as the years rolled on.

Six months after I completed my degree, I opened a recording and production studio , "Tunes", where I started working with different artists on their album or songs. I have already collaborated with some renowned artists and helping in perfecting their works. I have always had an interest in singing but none knows  about it except....

"Dadda, don't wanna go school", I was pulled out of my thoughts by my son who was comfortably riding shotgun. He had a frown on his little face, while his arms crossed.

"Why baby? You are a big boy. Big boys should go to school", I tried convincing while he shook his head repeatedly.

"No like school, Dadda. We go office", he pleaded looking at me with those innocent hazel eyes.

I sighed loudly, thinking about all the meetings I had today. It's gonna be hectic and I can't take him with me. I parked the car aside and removed my seat belt before I picked him up and placing on my lap.

"Baby. You know you are my Cherry pie. My beautiful sunflower and also my golden boy. You're now a big boy right", I tried while he nodded. "Let's make a deal. You go to school today. Don't pick fights with others. Learn about different fruits. Eat your lunch fully. If you be a good boy today, I'll take you to the puppet show today that you love. What say?", I continued knowing how much he loved watching the dolls moving and talking.

He  tapped his chin thinking about it for a minute before he turned to me with those Bambi eyes, "ok Dadda. That bubb gum ice cream too? I be a good boy", he said so happily while his eyes lit up like a 1000w bulb.

I laughed at his adorableness and kissed repeatedly on his cheeks and forehead. "Deal, baby. We'll get whatever you want. But only one scoop of ice cream", I told him only to see his face getting sad again. "Okay. Okay. Two. Two scoops only. Alright?", he nodded excitedly.

I dropped him off at the Nursery and started towards my office. I just know it's gonna be a long day.


"May I come in, Sir", I heard my assistant's voice through the door.

I permitted and she entered with a manila folder in her hands.

"Sir. These are the artists who are interested to work with you on their album", she said handing the folder to me.

I took it to see there were over 50 artist's names. I just looked at it before giving it back to her.

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