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Haz's POV:

I walked out hurriedly when I  knew he played me. Why's he doing this to me? I know I did a mistake. I shouldn't have kissed him at the party. But why is he doing this? He's engaged for fuxk's sake.

I sat down in one of the break room chairs, placing my head on my palms. I closed my eyes tightly and started taking deep breaths because I feel myself going out of breath. I lean my head at the wall behind to calm myself down.

I had gone back home after spending two days with Zayn. I couldn't control myself and I was overly excited. I was skipping all my way home, feeling like I was floating in the air. I tripped many times, thanks to my clumsy self but gratefully reached home in one piece.

"You're like a baby who's just learning to walk, Hazzy. You're gonna break your bones one of these days", Zaynie would have said rolling his mesmerising golden orbs. I smiled at the thought and I couldn't control my grin when I recollected the past two days. I was giggling like a girl who's crush had just asked her on a date.

I walked through the door just to come face to face with mom. She looked questioningly at my face which resembled a dog who got a big fat piece of meat.

I just walked up the stairs to my room before closing it tight and plopping on the bed on my stomach. I couldn't wait to read the letter Zayn had given me. I pulled it out from my trouser's pocket and held it like it were a sacred thing. It was. It was very important to me. It held my life.

My hands were trembling and I was contemplating if I'm ready to read it through. What if he had said he's bored of me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Does he think I'm stupid? What if he had written that he doesn't want to see me ever again?

"I can't do this. I can't read it just to get my heartbroken. What if he was grossed out of what we did and starts to hate me?", I mumbled to myself thinking and procrastinating to open the paper.

I have started to fall in love with him. Oh. C'mon, who am I kidding? I already love him. I don't know what I'll do if he'd leave me now. I took deep breaths and started counting backwards to calm myself from getting a panic attack. Inhale. 10. Exhale. 9. Inhale. 8. Exhale. 7....

I opened my eyes again and unfolded the paper to read it out.

Dear Haz,
I don't know how to start. Cut me some slack, yeah. I know I'm gonna do it badly but please tolerate it. Ha ha.

Do you remember the day we met babe? Yeah, the day you started your job at that bakery down the road. When I walked through the entrance that day, I didn't know that you were gonna be like the light at the end of the tunnel in my life. You taught me what it was to be happy, to enjoy life without a care, to put myself before everyone else, to live life to the fullest, to value my family because some aren't even lucky to have them.

Every day spent with you were the moments I was my true self again. I was raised in a strict household where every day, I get to hear a long speech on how to live my life, how to plan my future, how to dress in a particular way, how to do that, do this, etc etc. But you came into my life and showed me that life can be fun too. You made me realize that life is not in the way we take it. It's how we live it. You showed me what happiness is, what craziness means, how freedom feels like. It'd sound cliché but you brightened my life. You really have changed my life for the better.

So, Harry Styles, would you do the honour of being my boyfriend?

Expecting a positive reply.

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