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Z's POV :

It's been almost an hour since we had landed safely in New York. We were now on our journey to Philadelphia where my family owns a farmhouse. It's my favourite place since childhood and we'd spend our summers every year on the farm tending and feeding horses, growing vegetables and flowers.

I'd always spend my time with my favourite horse, "Cool", who was gifted to me by my parents for my 12th birthday. Cool is a very beautiful and intelligent white stallion. When I'm happy, he neighs happily but when I'm sad or upset, he rubs his face against my cheeks tickling me until I laughed. He's the most precious thing to me. At times, I feel lucky to have such a living being who understands me better than my own family. We say they're animals who lack sixth sense but maybe that's why they love you without expecting anything in return.

It's a nearly three-hour drive to Philly. As I'm sat comfortably, leaning against the backrest, I couldn't help but wonder why mom asked us to come to the farmhouse. It was reserved for summertime or any special occasion. It's neither of the two now. "Maybe Don had met special someone", my mind thought. "She didn't tell me when we spoke last week", I countered. I sighed loudly closing my eyes for the rest of the ride.

"Zayn, c'mon mate. Teach me to ride a horse. I always wanted to learn but dad won't get me one", Harry whined pleading with those gorgeous eyes.

I had taken him on our summer visit here. It was very hard to convince his parents but he was so excited to come. It took a lot of effort on his part to persuade them. And since, Styles were familiar with my parents, he was allowed.

"But Harreh, I brought you to this part of the farm to have our own picnic and not horse riding classes. C'mon let's eat before the food gets cold", I pulled literally dragging him near the little pond.

"I hate you, Malik. I'm going back to the stable. Leave me", he ran pulling his arm from my grip.

"Cool doesn't like anyone other than me to touch him. He's gonna kick you, Haz. He'll become aggressive and untamable. Listen to me, babe", I yelled running behind him.

"I'm not your babe. Stop following me. Let's see. If your horse kicks me, you win and we'll go back to having our picnic. If he doesn't, I win and you'll be teaching me", he challenged walking backwards towards the stable while his eyes dared me.

"You will never listen to me, right?", I sighed.

"Nope. Never in a million years", he stuck his tongue out like a little kid.

"You're gonna get stamped and kicked. Don't come to me when it happens", I warned him when he entered the stable.

I heard other horses neighing and Cool's loud nicker, followed by Harry's scream.

"I told ya, Haz-", I was cut mid-sentence when I entered the barn

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"I told ya, Haz-", I was cut mid-sentence when I entered the barn. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Haz stroking Cool's mane and he was enjoying his touch. It really surprised me because he doesn't even let Wali or safaa touch him.

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