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The bachelor's party was on full swing. Yes, Zayn's bachelor party. It was being hosted on the opposite side of the same deck that Zarry were, the day before. It was full of booze and fun. Everyone was enjoying the party, drunk and dancing. Louis and Liam were pissed off, whereas Niall was pretty content with the varieties of finger snacks and his multiple glasses of champagne. Harry? Well he was another story. He wasn't himself. He was full on dancing, eating, drinking and enjoying like there was no tomorrow.

Zayn watched Haz from a distance, perched up on the bar, keeping it low with just his first glass of white wine. He didn't want to get drunk so soon, seeing as it was only quarter to eight.

Gigi and her friends were partying in the open air on the other side, probably near the palm grove. But, Gigi suggested that they'd join the party in the deck, after it gets dark and Zayn didn't really care about it.

Z's POV:

"Zayn? Bhai? Not drinking tonight? Thought you wanted to let loose?", Danial, questioned sitting on the adjacent stool with the glass of some cocktail tightly held in his left.

"Go away, you bugger. Let me drink in peace", I retorted playfully.

"What went up yo a*s and died, bro?", he asked annoying me. I was going to talk when another voice cut me off.

"Danny. I thought atleast you'd have some brains in the fam, after me, ya know? Guess not!", Jawad's reply came up, smirking at me.

"Back off, J!  I'm really not in the mood of bull**it today", I warned raising my voice.

"What happened? You went to 'fess to Yaser Mamu, wearing your invisible cape, like you were the Superman trying to save the world only to get another fuxking lecture, huh. Did you really think it'd happen?", he asked riling me up, remembering my conversation with my dad.

"Baba? Do you really want me to marry her and be unhappy for the rest of my life?", I asked surprised at my dad's anger. I was aware that he'd refuse but I didn't think he'd fume in anger.

"Zayn? Do you even know what you're talking about? I can't or won't agree with your relationship. I'm not in favour of the decision to end your Engagement with Gigi? She's a wonderful woman, career oriented, independent, smart and mainly, she loves you. She's the best choice you ever made in your whole life, Zayn. I won't let you ruin your life just for a momentary attraction or an infatuation phase that you're undergoing now. Do you think this relationship, as you say, between you and Harry would last? If he really loves you, he wouldn't be here to see you getting married to someone else", he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"No, dad. This is not an infatuation or attraction. I love him. That isn't hard to understand. He is here because he loves me and just because I wanted him here. I have just got him back after so many years. We love each other and we've been in love with each other for the past eight years. We have had so many fights, problems between us but at the end of the day, we find our way back to each other. If that's not love, I don't know what it is", I explained calmly but I was losing my patience.

"What about Gigi, Zayn? She loves you. That girl would be so heartbroken. How can you be so cruel to break a girl's heart?", his voice boomed authoritatively.

"I don't care, dad. And I think I'm just like you. You're not even thinking about breaking your son's heart. Your own flesh and blood", I replied trying to control my emotions.

"Keep in mind who you're talking to, Zayn. I'm still your father", he raged.

"I'm trying not to disrespect you, father", I walked out of the study, boiling with anger and disappointment.

ADORE YOU (Sequel To FLAMES)Where stories live. Discover now