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4 days to go:

Zayn had been thinking about his conversation with Louis yesterday and was looking for a chance to get Harry alone and ask him to meet him later. But as his luck would have it, he's busy with either his family or Hazzy or anyother chore. It was like Haz was busier than him; considering it was his own wedding.

"Zayn, we should really go now. It's already too late for our cake tasting appointment", Gigi's voice brought his attention back.

"Ummm... Yeah. Let's go", he replied blankly.

"Harryyyyyyyyyy. We need to go. Come down soon", Gigi hollered which shocked Zayn. Why was she calling Harry?

"Yeah.. I'm coming. I'll be down in a minute", he replied from the guest room where Hazzy was sleeping.

"Why are you calling him?", he questioned curiously.

"He wanted to buy a suit for the wedding and he didn't have time to go, so I said he can come with us", she explained but glaring at him. "Be nice to him. I know you don't like him but be civil", she warned walking out to the car to see Harry already standing next to it impatiently waiting for Zayn to open it. Just as Zayn opened the car, Harry rushed into the passenger seat without giving anyone the time to even think about it.

"Harry. I should sit there", Gigi whined annoyed at the action.

"Ohhhhh. I'm so sorry, Pipi. I just forgot and I'm toooooooooooo lazy to get out now", he excused innocently but Zayn knew damn well what he was doing. "Guess what? You can sit in the back seat for now and can change later", he said securing the seatbelt across his body.

"Mr. Malik. Can you please start driving? We don't want to be late", he smirked at Zayn who just smiled secretly, looking at the other side. "And by the way, though you know driving, keep the fact in your mind that you've just got your license. Drive properly. I've a little son waiting for me and my lover won't be happy too", he said winking slyly at Zayn, which was unnoticed by Gigi.

"Fuxker", Zayn mumbled but chuckled starting up the car.

"Zayn. I told you to be nice", Gigi reprimanded from the back seat. She turned her attention to Harry interested to ask him some questions. "Harry, you didn't say you had someone special in your life? Who's it? Kenny?", she asked excited. Harry just smirked again before turning in his seat to look at the inquisitive woman behind.

"No, Kenny is only a friend. The one I love is what you say, "highschool sweetheart"", he said causing Zayn to slam on the brakes with wide eyes. The sudden force made them launch forward for a bit but luckily nothing happened.

"Oh my God", Gigi screeched.

"Malik. I told you to drive properly. It's not even been three miles from the house. Do you want me to die?", Harry questioned a bit angrily at the sudden shock.

"I'm sorry. You just don't shut your mouth. You haven't stopped talking since you got into the car", he retorted embarassed.

"Someone wants to talk to me. What can I do? I can't be rude like you and ask everyone to shut their mouth now. Can I? You're just distracting me from telling my love story to my friend here", he blew an air kiss to the hazel eyed guy at the end, irritating him to no end. Zayn revved up the engine again and started to drive, trying to shut the voices out.

"So yeahhhhh where was I? He was my highschool sweetheart. We were best friends before everything else. Then things started to get more serious between us but some bitxh and her friend played a nasty game on us and we broke up. We started hating each other and fighting each other, our friendship was lost too", he said as his voice turned thick with emotions. He gulped the lump in his throat when he looked up to see Zayn slyly wiping his right eye. He was silently driving without even looking at us. "Then one day, I slapped him in front of the whole school and he moved to England to continue his studies. I felt so guilty and miserable for everything I put him through", he said and looked at him again to see his Adam's apple moving as though he was controlling his tears. His eyes drifted at Gigi again, who was shocked by the story and he continued "but he still just doesn't understand. He came back here and we met again. He still thinks I'm playing him. I am not", he gulped again trying to control his emotions. "He doesn't understand that I only love him", he said looking at Zayn with love-filled and desperate eyes. The whole scene was actually noticed by Gigi but she dismissed any thought or doubts about it.

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