Chapter 7

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A few weeks later

Tony- I jump awake when the alarm goes off, I turn making sure Thor's awake before we both rush up to the meeting slash mission room. I see the others are there getting ready for the mission.

Thor- "I think it's a good time to tell the others"

Steve- I look up "tell us what?"

Tony- "ermm you know how I have been acting weird for the past few three months"

Steve- "yes"

Tony- "turns out the stomach aches each month and that are because I might have male parts on the outside but inside I don't just have a prostate but also Vagina and ovaries inside. I found out because I kept throughing up two months and three weeks ago. I asked JARVIS to do a scan when I found out about the me born with girl parts but that, I'm" I swallow hard feeling Thor's arms wrapping around me hand on my stomach "I'm Pregnant"

Clint- We all stood there stocked "your joking right"

Tony- I shake my head looking up at them "JARVIS, do some test and a scan on me and show them"

JARVIS- "right away sir" I did the test and scan before putting it up on the TV in the mission room

Steve- I gasp hearing others join "it's all true isn't it?"

Tony- I nod "yeah all of it meaning that I am sorry I can't help or come on this mission I can get my technology to help though"

Clint- "is it Thor's child"

Tony- I stake my head "no, yeah me and Thor have been involved for the past month and a bit but no, I don't know who the father is asked JARVIS to find out but apparently the man appeared in the room we had sex then he was gone JARVIS couldn't see his face, so I don't know who the kids father is"

Steve- I smile "don't worry, we will help you through it all"

Peter- "yeah where a team and no matter what happens we will be there for you"

Tony- I smile putting my hand on my stomach "thank you guys"

Steve- I smile "now you go a rest or whatever you want, we all have a mission to do"



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