Chapter 3: getting the materials

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(the pic is what Yuuki looks like and not the clothes ) 

Yuki P.O.V.
I was with Keith waiting for the peckish for his space ship so we can work on them fast because I want him to be with his friends and family, its not I like want to be with him...ok maybe because I want to go with him but I don't want to lave my servants because they are like my only family and my cat Ciel only left.

"Yuki are you ok?" I get scraped back to realty and it was Keith who said that, and I said "yea I'm ok I was just thinking of what to do next" I lied. I hate lying to people some liars are so good at it they deceive themselves, and I don't want to be like that, but I was to scared to tell him that I want my friends and my cat to come with us.

Keith said, "are the materials going to here soon?" I reply with a faux happiness, "They should be here soon, so we can work on your ship, oh and I have a question for you?" He said, "yea what's your question?" I was nervous to tell him.

the anxiety killing me I burst "Can I come with you to the future?? And can my servants and cat come with me if I have consent to come???" He was hesitant to his reply "I mean that you are helping me I guess you can come if you want" I was so happy that I hug him, I realize what I was doing and let go of him, he looks sad that I let go of him.

And I said, "sorry that I hug you it's just that I was so happy that you said yes" He said, "it's ok because what are friends for?" he softly smiles at me and I smile back at him and then Sebastian came back with the materials.

We where almost done, and Sebastian came and brought us some tea and sweets, Sebastian said "it's getting dark outside, you guys should come back inside it's almost dinner" I said back to him "we well be inside in a minute"

Keith said, "what kind of food are we going to eat?" I said back to him "we are going to have fish an chips for dinner"

Keith said back to me "I never had fish an chips before" this shock me that he never had fish an chips before, I'm going to make him eat it.

I said to him "you have to eat it, or I will make you!!!" "fine fine fine I will eat the fish an chip just please don't kill me" he said jokingly then he laughed, I smile a little at him. 

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