Chapter 6: meeting Keith friends?

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~don't mind the picture of Shoto Todoroki he is my favorite character uwu~

Keith's P.O.V
I hope this works, I wonder what Shiro is doing, and what will he think about when I left them. I should stay focused and try to get home but what if we get send to the wrong dimension? So many things can go wrong... ok stay calm and focus on piloting this ship that we made, I hope this works.

I see the worm portal and say "you guys should hold on to something" then Yuki holds on to Ciel well the others are not holding to anything they are just keeping an eye on Yuki.
Then we went in the worm portal and this does not look like my time line this different what do I do now this is not what I expect.

"I don't want to alarm anyone but this not my time line" I said to them, they are kind of shock I said that, I said "ok we should stay calm and try to find help and see where we are" Yuki said "Sebastian go and find someone that could help us" then Sebastian said "as you wish master I'll be back" he take off.

When waiting for Sebastian to come back someone then comes up to us and starts to talk to us "who are you guys and why are you guys wearing old cloths" he said muttering he was short he looked like a teen, he has green hair with a little black in his hair, His eyes are large and somewhat circular and it's the same color as his hair.

Then I ask him "what is this place?" he looks like he didn't believe me then i look around then he said "wait where is Todoroki" then he takes out his phone he starts to text someone.

Then some guy comes out of no wear, he starts to talk to the green haired kid then he looks at us, he then tells green kid "who are these people Midoriya?" he then looks at yuu, he said "wait are you Yuki Bloom that went missing?" Yuki looks at him then he said, "well I didn't go missing I just wanted to go on an adventure and not to do work the Queen anymore, and how do you knew me?" he looked a little bit confused.

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