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So like- I got tagged by PotatoNoobie
And ye-

Let's start!

1: Favorite song atm?Technically every single song that's in my spotify playlist, A

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1: Favorite song atm?
Technically every single song that's in my spotify playlist, A.K.A. around 691 songs :3

2: Best friend?
I have some in the game "life", but some more in the internet world!

3: Sexuality?
Dunno- why you ask?

4: Picture if yourself?
Sure, why not?

4: Picture if yourself?Sure, why not?

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5: Sweetest person you know?
Ah crip- I actually can't choose- I have so many options and they are all so nice and sweet-

6: Relationship status?
Single. As. Shit. I mean- everywhere I go, and the majority of people I know are in a relationship-

7: Top 5 K-Pop bands?

8: Five biggest fears?
Dunno- I would guess they are..........yeah, I dunno *coughcoughtheprojectionistcoughcough*

9: Five people that make you happy?
Imma put them in groups: Sisters, parents, friends, (some) teachers, ect.

10: Favorite nickname?
I have many nicknames- And I don't really have a favorite-

11: Favorite emojis?
I don't really use them-

12: Song you last heard?

13: Birthdate?
June 2nd, 2006

14: Age?
Can't you figure that out from my birthdate-

15: Your race?
Mexican that was born somewhere else

16: 5 people you love?
Sisters, real-world friends, online friends, family, ect.

17: A happy moment on Wattpad?
All the time =3

18: Do you like your best friend?
I have many best friends- But, as a crush? Nah. As a best friend? Of course!

19: BTS bias and bias wrecker?
I don't even know what that means-

20: Dream job?
Not sure at the moment

21: Who do you wanna be friends with forever?
Everyone who is my friend now!

22: Favorite hobby?
I have a few, here's a small list:
Drawing, reading, writing, eating, sleeping, playing some games

23: Favorite animal?
The giraffe-

24: Netflix or YouTube?
Disney +
I'm kidding- Netflix

25: Speak another language?
Yo ablo español en mi casa, entonces ablo dos idiomas! Que te parece?

I speak spanish in my house, therefore I speak two languages! What do you think?

Now, time to tag those 13 people!














That's all =3 Good bye now! Imma go and try to finish homework before midnight-

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