Chapter 1: Introductory Letter

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Dear Norton,

How are you? I mean, how have you been? Hope you're eating well! Please, please take care of yourself. If that's a word or something! In any case - Wanna tell you that I got into a role--Like it's a very important one! THAT IMPORTANT! It's a surprise though! I hope I can invite you to watch it with us when it gets released! See you there, okay?

Take care!
Love Always, Mikey ♡

End of letter.

Norton stared at the letter for a moment before sighing exasperatedly. A deep breath from a heavy heart. He never knew a letter could tire him this much. The sudden feeling of pain went through his stomach while reading. Worse part- the person who had sent him the letter was his former lover.

Sometimes, Norton wondered if he made the right choice to keep Mike as a friend after their break up, knowing Mike now belongs to another man. Their break up was neither bad nor good. It was quiet, it was solemn, it was full of respect.

Norton was a workaholic; he was fully aware of his insensitivity towards his lover. He worked day and night, just letting the clock tick its end. It came to the point where he would often cancel his date plans with Mike and even forgetting to messaging him back. It seems to him that a simple I love you as a message would consume him so much time. And with that, Mike felt that he wasn't valued enough. Was he a mere decoration to Norton who gets swarmed by the ladies in the office? Norton is a good-looking man. Talented and full of life. Norton was this ideal man who could take you out on a date on a rainy day and sharing under a single umbrella could make your heart roll over the floor. Was he worth someone's everything? Mike would beg to differ.

Mike and Norton often fought to the point that Norton would almost raise his hand against Mike out of stress and exhaustion. The raging emotions just couldn't make Norton any better person that he ends up hurting the very person whom he adores the most. Norton doesn't deserve Mike at all. Mike was loving and understanding towards him. He was Norton's safe haven. Norton knew what he was doing, and chose to break up instead. Mike wanted to stay - he really does, because he believed that they could still work it out. For Mike, Norton was his world. But Norton thought so otherwise. He thought that distance was the solution. He was honestly indecisive but it was tiring. The constant fighting and demands, the quarrels and misunderstanding just made him grew out of love.

So, they both agreed and decided to separate ways.

Back when they were still together, behind the curtain was this one guy who was constantly comforting Mike and giving him the attention that Norton couldn't provide. He was Lucky, Mike's childhood friend. Lucky's feelings are unrequited for a long time. Back when he could remember how Mike's smile made his day. Mike was Lucky's light in this dark and seemingly lost path. But Mike couldn't give back his feelings. He thought Lucky as his dear friend, Their relationship was no more than that.

Yet some things could change.

In between the quarrels with Norton, Mike knew, at the back of his mind, a warm and gentle hand was pressing against his cold and pained heart. A patient and worried voice constantly whispering that he is not alone, that he is loved. It was Lucky.

Tears became grins. Grins turned into bigger smiles. And those smiles, at some point, made his heart beat in a different way.

Lucky was there when Norton wasn't.
Lucky held the rope that Norton kept on dropping.
Lucky caught Mike after Norton finally cut the bond between them.

It was Lucky, not Norton.

Yet Norton never expected the turn of events.

Norton firmly believed that he was the only thing Mike ever has. He was so confident that despite the constant fights that Mike would always welcome him into his arms each day.

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