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The rain was pouring down on the two packs in the clearing. We stood in our wolf forms growling as to cheer on our Alpha. My cousin had decided to challenge the Alpha of a pack next to us. I stood next to my twin in front of our pack for him. That clearing was never once quite throughout the time.

I watched as my cousin lunged at the other Alpha. He skillfully latched his jaw on his neck and but down. The other pack whimpered while we howled. My cousin shifted and pulled on shorts. I went behind a tree and shifted before walking out with shorts on as well. My thick brown hair was sticking to my forehead as I walked out to my cousin.

"Hayden, I can't run two packs. Do you think you can take our pack over so I can run this other one?" Dylan asked once he saw me.

"Why? I thought you were fighting him to make the pack bigger." I replied in the same hushed tone he had.

"No. He wouldn't let my mate leave the pack and he wouldn't let me join the pack." He whispered.

"Well then go to her. I'll become Alpha here and protect the pack. You're mate I'd important." I said and pushed him towards his new pack.

"Thank you so much Hayden. Remember to call me when you find your mate." He said. We did our handshake and he ran off to a girl with black hair. They looked happy together and I was proud of my cousin. I turned to my pack and motioned for them to head to the pack house. My twin waited for me to shift. I turned to look at my cousin who smiled at me and nodded. I shifted and joined Connor as we headed home.

I heard him tell them to start heading back to their home. I smiled and then I was off. The rain has yet to stop pouring. I sped up and Connor had followed my actions. As we neared the pack house we saw our mom standing outside with towels for us. We shifted back to our human form and caught the shorts our dad tossed us. We quickly put them on and jogged to the covered porch. Our hair was matted to our skin be we didn't have a care in the world.

"How was the fight?" My mom finally spoke up as we entered the warm house.

"It was great. Dylan won the fight. He was only fighting that Alpha because he couldn't bring his mate here and the alpha wouldn't let him join." I said while shrugging.

"Not only that but he made Hayden the new Alpha here. So that means that I will be the Beta." Connor piped in as he puffed his chest out. We broke into laughter before our mom and dad led us to the kitchen.

"As fun as that sounds, you two need to eat." She said calmly with a warm motherly smile.

"And then you guys are going to go to bed. We have to train you two for your new positions. And Allen will help since Justin is now the third." My dad smiled.

"I don't want to be third. I want to stay the top warrior." Justin's voice said before he entered the room.

"Then please tell me who will be the third?" My dad asked as he crossed his arms. Both me and Connor looked at each other with the same grin we got from our dad.

"William can be the third." I spoke up. As if on que William walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Alright. Training starts tomorrow morning." My dad said before disappearing up the stairs.

William, Connor and I sat down and waited as my mom cooked us dinner. She never wanted help when it came to cooking. She had her way of cooking and if someone interrupted it then she would be mad.

"Hayden, start making this dish. Be sure to follow exactly what the card says or so help me I will ground you." My mom said and handed me the card. I got up and got everything out and casually started putting things together to make the dish.

"You're done. Great. Now go sit back down and wait for the rest of it to cook." She smiled and turned back to her cooking. No one messed with my mom when she was cooking. Everyone was afraid that she would go crazy wolf on them. So when they wanted a snack or something, they sent me and Connor to get it since she is our mom.

My phone started ringing, playing the theme song of my favorite series. I excused myself and walked out of the room before checking who was calling.

"Unknown?" I whispered quietly to myself before answering.

"Hello, is this Hayden Reynolds?" A voice sounded on the other end.

"This is him." I answered confused. Who got my number and how did they get it.

"This is your doctor's apprentice calling to tell you your appointment for Wednesday will be at nine fifteen in the morning." The girl said.

"Okay. Thanks." I muttered. I hung up and walked back into the kitchen. I saw my brother and best friend eating. I got a plate and got me some food and set it in front of my seat. I turned and grabbed a cup, poured me some tea, then sat down to eat. No one spoke the whole time we ate. People came in and grabbed what they needed and walked out as though we weren't there at all. That was until we finished and my mom took our plates.

"Great. Now I suggest you three get to bed because Aidyn will wake you guys up really early tomorrow." My mom said with a small smile.

"Oh yeah. Tomorrow is Tuesday right?" I asked as I got up and pushed my seat in.

"No. Tomorrow is Wednesday." My dad's voice echoed from the living room.

"I'll be leaving at eight tomorrow morning for a check up thing my doctor ordered for when you guys had me go for that one sickness." I told my parents calmly.

"Alright. I'll train with you when you get back." Was all my dad said before I disappeared to my room for the rest of the night.

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