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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I let out a groan as I rolled over and turned my alarm clock off. It was six in the morning and I had to start my day already. It was the time I would wake up when I was the Beta. I was always sure to get everything done from the time that I woke up to the time I laid down in my bed to go to bed at night.

"Hayden!" My little brother's voice shouted throughout the pack house.

"I'll be there in a second." I mumbled to myself and shoved my body off of my bed. I walked downstairs without a care in the world about how I looked. I pounded down the stairs, not really in the greatest mood, but stopped for a second when a scent hit my nose. It made my wolf go crazy and I couldn't tell why and honestly I didn't care right now.

"Oh, there he is. Don't mind if he snaps at you. He's usually grumpy when I get him out of bed before he usually does." My little brother chuckled.

"Shut up if you want to keep your tongue brother dear." I growled and started making coffee. I had closed a cabinet a little too hard and the growl that my mother had let out was terrifying. I felt my body go tense as my mom sped down the stairs with my father trying to catch up to her.

"Hayden Parker Reynolds. I have told you that no matter how bad of a mood you are in you never ever slam doors to anything. Now do that one more time and I will make sure that you will be grounded for two weeks." My mother shouted. She didn't care if we had a guest or not.

"Got it mom. It won't happen again." I mumbled. She nodded then went back up stairs.

"Hayden, this is my friend Hayley Davidson. She works as your doctor's apprentice." My little brother said smiling.

"That's nice. I have stuff to get done so stay out of my office and my room. If I find out you were in my room or office I will personally punish you." I snapped before glance at Harley. She was a human but her scent was driving both me and my wolf crazy. She had long blonde hair with hazel eyes. She obviously worked out and loved to be in the sun.

"Stop staring and go get ready." Allen shouted in my ear. I turned around and glared at him before disappearing. I was twenty and getting yelled at by my mother. Although she had a motherly thing that all female wolves have once they have children and it works no matter how old they are. Connor walked into my room and I  turned to him holding a shirt I was about to put on. We had on the same jeans and he was wearing the same shirt I was about to put on.

"Are you serious?" I asked looking between our shirts.

"Just wear it. Mom will love it and maybe she'll forget about the whole deal in the kitchen." Connor laughed. I growled and walked downstairs with him to see Allen and Hayley watching a movie. It was more than likely a horror movie considering Hayley wasn't watching as she hid her face in Allen's chest. I growled at the sight and Connor quickly shut me up with an elbow to the rib. I yearned to have my arms wrapped around her as we watched movies together. My wolf howled with joy at the thought and I smiled slightly.

"You guys are matching. Just like when we were younger." Allen laughed loudly as ye released Hayley.

"Shut up." I snapped at him. He glared at me and I gladly glared back. He growled and I growled back louder and showing authority to which he bowed his head in submission.

"You used alpha command on me." He whispered harshly.

"I didn't mean to. I don't know how to control it." I whispered back just as harsh.

"I'm going to tell mother." He growled quietly.

"Hayden!" Her voice shouted.

"I think mom already knows." Connor smirked.

I felt blood rise to my neck and my eyes widen in fear. I kept over my little sister and ran towards the door. Just as my hand landed on the door knob a hand latched onto my ear. I grumbled trying to release my mother's hold but it was no use. Hayley had moved from the couch as she watched me get dragged into the room by my ear. My dad pointed to the couch as I got out of my mother's hold and I frowned and flopped onto the couch. Connor's eyes held amusement in them as he watched the scene unfold.

"Alpha command on your little brother? Are you serious?!" My mother shouted.

"He had his hands on my mate and I can't control it." My wolf growled out. My eyes were probably gold as my wolf had taken control. But had he just said my mate? My mate, the Luna of this pack and woman who is supposed to love me, is a human. My eyes went back to their dark shade or blue and shock was held on My parents faces along with Connor and Allen.

"She can't be your mate. She's a human." Connor shouted. I growled at him and looked at Hayley. She was confused as she looked between us. My mother turned to her and motioned her over. My eye color wasn't dark blue, it was a bright blue. Hayley walked over slowly and my father grabbed her hand and touched it to my arm. My wolf howled with joy and my eyes went back to their bright blue color.

"What's a mate?" Hayley asked slowly. We all turned to her and Allen sighed and motioned for her to sit.

"We aren't telling her." I spoke up and watched as she shivered from my voice.

"Hayden, if you want her to stay then we have too." My father said and we all sat down except for me.

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