Damage Control

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Sea patrol

Season 1 episode 10

Me, swain and ET were in the RHIB heading for a boat that was having some engine trouble the CO was nice enough to lend a hand, we are now on the boat me and ET were trying to figure out what's wrong i was bent down in front of the engine waiting for ET to come over with the tools he eventually set them down and was talking to on the guy's kid luke was his name he asked the kids to pass them over we started working on the engine then the guy's other kid which was a girl said to me "so your a girl who can work on engines that's really cool" i looked at her and smiled "yeah it's pretty cool...i can do a lot more then work on engines" she looked at me and and said "really like what" i chuckled and said as i was helping ET "i can work with electronics as well and some other stuff that i probably shouldn't tell you about" ET chuckled what i mean by that was gun's and fighting and other stuff she's young i doubt her father would like me explaining that stuff to her then she turned to her dad said "can i be in the navy like her as well dad?" I smiled and looked at ET he said "I will think about it" she did a little yes cute then ET asked for another tool and was having a little moment with the son and saying "your going to be after my job soon" I laughed a little and went back to fixing this engine ET asked them if they were on holidays meaning school holidays apparently the dad took them out earlier and the girl said "were on the adventure of a lifetime right dad" must be nice to talk to your dad like that i can't mine isn't here but anyway then swain piped up and said "are you...are you alright, mate?" apparently the dad was sweating and he couldn't handle the heat then swain kept asking him questions like where were they heading and why they were going there then ET said "don't worry about swaino, mate?" I laughed then said "yeah he's like the navy equivalent of a cop" the dad was a little confused and said "sorry?" ET and I packed up and then ET said "well, he's always asking questions. Aren't you swaino?" then swain smiled i looked at their dad and said "yeah don't worry about him" we stood up then ET said "alright we're done here mate" the dad thanked us and we told him "no worries" Luke went to give ET his cap back but ET told him it was now his he thanked him and ET said "no worries" i smiled we rolled the tolls back up and hop in the RHIB and headed for home

We were back on the ship and we have stopped the ship because of engine maintenance or something like that we are now some of us getting our bathing suits on and some of the crew were jumping off the boat into the water I was about to go in when i heard x say to spider "hey spider you going in" he denied and i looked at him and said "well you snooze you lose" he was gunner for sharks just in case I went to the top were buffer was i ran and front flipped this was amazing we all cheered we eventually got out of the water and now we all were at the back of the boat playing music i was sitting with buffer and spider charge was in front of us he got his fishing line then we heard swain over the speaker saying "special sea duty men and cable party close up assume damage control state three, condition Yankee" we all got up and stopped the party

I was getting my gear on and said to the other "how does someone kidnap their own kids" buffer looked at me and said "he's probably not thinking rationally" we were on the side of the ship holding our guns out and buffer said "holster" we put our guns in our holsters then buffer said "check primaries and secondaries" then the CO came over and said "ok i'll be leading this one and spider you can stay to im taking ET and swain they've already had dialogue with Gavin" im guessing that's the dad's name then the CO said "scar your coming to seeing as how you have had dialogue with Gavin as well which might prove useful" I nodded then x questioned him apparently he felt responsible for making the wrong call about Gavin wish is understandable he also told x that he wants her to take charge of the ship she said "ok" and handed the radio to the CO spider and x left but before spider left he said "be careful" i smiled and nodded at him then we jumped in the RHIB and headed off

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