Secret Cargo

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Sea patrol

Season 3 episode 11

Me,bomber and 2dads where in our wetsuits in the RHIBS with the others because we got a mayday call that a boat has tipped and there's a couple trapped inside it we got closer to the boat and got ready to jump in buffer told us to be careful and to not get caught on any of the rigging and were good to go we jumped in and swam over to the tipped boat me and bomber banged on the boat and told the if they could here us to bang back and they did we could hear them we asked them questions like can they swim out just questions that will help us understand what we have to do we told them to stay calm and we are gonna come and get them me and bomber swam down we found a entrance i signaled to bomber pointing to the top we swam up and told buff that we could get in we heard 2dads behind us say "what don't be stupid it's to dangerous" we ignored him bomber looked at him and said "buff i can do it I've done the training" he said alright and gave her a rope to tie around her and they had the other end of it 2dad was being mouthy like always and buffer told him off anyway i looked at her "bomb i'm coming with you" she shook her head "scar no" i cut her off "bomb it's safer if i'm done there with you...i have your back remember" she nodded ok buffer then said "we only have one rope" i looked at him "i'll just follow bombers i'll be with her anyway" he nodded "ok you two be careful" we nodded i looked at bomber "ready" she nodded and we went down i'm happy i'm going with bomber because if something happened to her and i didn't do anything to help i would have felt awful me and bomber swam inside and got to the couple they were yelling for help we went over to them and they noticed us bomber asked them if it was just the to of them they said yes she then told them to take there life jackets off but the lady wouldn't the boat started going down more i swam over to her "look you have to take it off alright if you don't you won't be able to get out of here" she wouldn't and kept worrying i held onto her life jacket "hey it's our job to get you out of here safe and sound you need to take your life jacket off and you will be fine ok" she nodded but started panicking again when the boat kept sinking bomber kept trying to calm her down she then said "what's your name" she told us her name was jila "jila my names rebecca and this is scarlett we are gonna get you out of here alright" she nodded the guy took his life jacket off i picked up the rope "jila this rope leads to outside if you just pull yourself along you will be able to get yourself out alright it's not that far trust me" she nodded i past the rope to her "alright you just need to pull yourself along" he grabbed it then bomber told her "you will be alright ok take a deep breath" the boat started sinking "bomb we need to get them out now" she nodded and told her to go jila got out the water was so close till going over our heads we had to stretch our heads up as much as we could so we wouldn't go under bomber told what the guy to do and he went "good job bomb" she looked at me "you to" the boat went down more "okay we need to go now" she nodded we put our snorkel gear on our heads and went down bomber kept pulling herself out and i followed she went throw the exit but as soon as she went throw the boat sunk more and something fell in front of the hatch no oh god no i looked around for another exit but couldn't find my way out alright i'm just gonna have to kick at something to get out

3rd Pov:

The boat was half underwater and everyone was calling for the girls bomber then swam up and buffer stopped screaming he thought scar was right behind bomber but when he realised she wasn't he asked bomber with furrowed eyebrows "bomb where's scar" bomb was confused she didn't know scar was trapped inside she looked around and so did 2dads "bomb where's scar" he was now worried she looked at him "she was right behind me" buffer and the other started getting worried when she wasn't coming up "SCAR!!!!" swain,RO,spider,2dads,buffer and bomber where all now worried and calling out for her bomber and 2dads swam under but couldn't find her they swam back up "buff we can't find her" they all looked at one another and bomber felt awful "keep looking" they all still screamed her name spider was calling out to her so was everyone else but nothing they all thought she was dead it was in the back of their minds but didn't want to think it's true the boat was now fully under "SCAR!!!"

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