Big Fish

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Sea patrol

Season 4 episode 6

I was out the back with bomber, swain, 2dads, dutchy and bird we had a little time off so we are having a little fun by fishing i mean i wasn't fishing because i don't really like it but swain, 2dads and bomber are having a good time dutchy is teaching bird how to fish

"Hey i thought the rule was to bait your own hook" i heard bomber say i turned my head to look at who she was talking to and noticed dutchy baiting birds hook "i don't do slimy" i chuckled "guess that kills 2dads chances" i had to laugh that one was a good one i high fived bomb "nice one" 2dads started shouting "he's a monster get the net" because his fish hook was apparently going crazy swain told bomb to get the camera but when 2dads pulled it up it was just a tiny little fishy me and swain just bursted out laughing we all were having a laugh at him and his held it up and said to us "mate it's bigger than it looks" i looked at him and said "yeah sure 2dads we'll believe that" after i said that i heard bird say "uh how do i cast it" i looked over and noticed dutchy putting his arm around bird showing her how to cast the rod i let out a chuckle their friendship is adorable then out of nowhere 2dads starts laughing we all look at the direction he was laughing and we saw charge wearing a ridiculous fishing vest, hat and what looks to be a very expensive fishing rod we all started laughing, 2dads then said "what's with the getup charge" charge looked at him and said "a man is only as good as his tools 2dads" i stop laughing and said "charge it's just fishing" he looked at me and said "fishing is the way of life scar" that just made me laugh even more dutchy saluted him and jokingly said "welcome captain ahab" charge saluted him back with his 2 fingers "are those trout flies on your hat?" he then said back to him smiling "it's for decoration dutchy, it's all about the lure" while laughing i moved over next to bomber so charge could fish beside us "i reckon that cost you a bomb" 2dads said while casting his rode "ah bloke at the tackle warehouse did a deal on the whole shebang just a smidge shy of a grand" me and bomb laughed in shock "you seriously spent a grand on that thing" he took his hat off and placed it on my head "yep like it or not, here it gives good luck" then 2dads said as i adjusted his ridiculous but adorable hat on my head "i should of seen it coming" he noticed us all laughing/chuckling and said "alright while why don't you guys just stay back when i land my first fish" he casted his rode while we still chuckled, a couple minutes went by and i heard my phone ringing i grabbed it out of my pocket and walk away from the group a little i put the phone up to my ear and said "hello?" then a certain voice came through the phone that made me smile "hey you" i couldn't stop smiling when i heard his voice "well look who decided to call back" i said "yeah yeah i know look i'm sorry i have just been busy that's all" i was a little upset but hey when you're busy your busy "so you're not busy now?" i then heard him say "not right now but i do have to head back in a minute just wanted to check in a make sure your okay" i smiled happily "yeah i'm okay", "well that's good i have to go but i'll call you later okay" i nodded even though he couldn't see me "yeah alright hey...i love you" i then heard him say "i love you too" he then hung up i couldn't stop smiling and walked back over i then heard charge say "what are you smiling about" i looked at the water and said "nothing but i think i will keep your hat it does give off good luck" he chuckled and said "see told ya"

It's been a while now and i was chatting to bomber still in the same spot as earlier when i heard 2dads say "hey charge, seeing as how you're not doing to much do you mind getting me the net" i chuckled but funny thing was just after 2dads said that charge's rod started moving "i've got one" then dutchy said "what's that, you on" i moved out of the way so dutchy could grab him i then heard swain say while putting his rod down "holy hell, not a mackerel, that could be a dog tooth" swain came over and i moved over next to bird to move out of the way "could be a marlin you have reeled in a big game fish before, haven't you?" charge said replied to dutchy question still struggling "yeah, i got a big flathead in maruci river once" i chuckled i didn't know if he was telling the truth or not because he looked to be struggling "right" as dutchy said that whatever was on the other end of the rod started pulling almost took charge over board swain had a good grip on him while dutchy had one hand on him but said "no no no no no, let him fight, let him fight" then kept telling him to reel yeah this is why i don't fish also on the other hand it's cruel but moving on "oh you got a bite on your hands, charge say the word and i'll jump in" i looked at bird and said "you watch bird charge will go overboard in 3, 2" i didn't get to 1 because bomber cut me off by saying "hey he's rather close" i looked up and noticed a plane coming rather close to us i stood up from my crouch position i noticed the boys were still holding and paying attention to charge which is understandable "dutch, swain" 2dads then said curious "what's this guy up to" we all looked up and as he got closer we all ducked he flew directly above us insanely close once he was gone we all stood up 2dads then said "what the hell" dutchy said still crouched next to me and bird "nutcase" who on earth would fly that low near a navy ship it almost hit us, that is once again insanely dangerous

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