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The two boys arrived without half an hour to Kenny's house. They head up to Kenny's room and close the door. Tweek was a little exhausted from all the walking, so once they were in the room, he couldn't help but lay himself onto the bed.

"You good, Tweek?" Kenny asks.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Just tired." Tweek replies.

"Well, don't go sleeping on me. You promised we would okay video games," Kenny starts to set up his tv to his console, "wanna go grab us some snacks while I start it up?"

Tweek nods, getting up and heading out the door. He heads down and into the room where he believes is the kitchen. He looks around in the cabinets and fridge. Tweek pours chips into a bowl and grabs a couple of drinks he sees in the fridge. This should be enough, right?

"Is this -nng- enough? I brought a bowl of potato chips and some drinks." Tweek sits down on the bed and sets the snacks next to me. Kenny hands him a remote.

They begin to play video games and most of the time, Kenny would win. Tweek won a couple of times, but really, Kenny would let him win. He loved seeing the boy get excited and squirm a bit. After a while, Tweek noticed Kenny looking at him for a bit.

Why was he looking at him? Was he doing something wrong? What if he wanted to throw him out now? Because he was so bad at playing the games?! OH JESUS. There was no way he could make it back to his house in the dark...

So many things ran through Tweek's head until he realized the bowl of chips was next to him, not near Kenny. It should've been in the middle, between them both, but he guessed he hadn't noticed he switch the spots for the bowl. He quickly grabs the bowl and holds it in front of Kenny, "Sorry, I didn't mean to -nng- hog it. Did you want some m-more?"

Kenny smiles softly. He turns off the console and puts away his controllers. Tweek was slightly confused, "Let's do something else. Let's chat." Kenny sits back down on his bed while Tweek was still on the edge of his bed.

"About what?"

"I don't know, man. What happened to you after all this time?"

Tweek goes on with how his parents moved for a better opportunity of opening a shop somewhere in the cities. Tweek obviously had to start over with friends and school. As for his health, his parents took his school's counselor's advice for meeting a therapist. Soon, he was able to control his feelings and thoughts. He didn't twitch or had his ticks as often. After a while, Tweek asks Kenny some questions. Kenny went on and on about how he has chicks crawling all over him. Of course, he only dated a couple of them and then he was done. He wasn't an asshole, he just gave the girls who wanted a try a chance. He couldn't lie about his feelings after all. Then, he goes on about the adventures he and the gang went on. About the silly things too, just to not freak out Tweek. Soon after he was finished with his little stories, Kenny just had to ask something. A question that's been dying inside of him.

"Have you ever dated anyone?" Kenny bluntly asks.

"W-what?! I- uh..." he kept stuttering through his words before he calmed down, "Yes... I have.. a while -nng- back actually."

Kenny's attention was now 100% more on Tweek. To lead the sweet boy into a trap, Kenny says, "So, who was the lucky lady you dated?"

Although Kenny was a 1,000% sure Tweek wasn't straight, he had to make sure. So he used a specific pronoun to see what Tweek would say about it. Alas, he got his correct answer.

"Aha... y-you see that's the funny -nng- thing.! It wasn't a -nng- a girl.." Kenny's smile grew to a smirk.

"Oh. So a guy?" Trying to make it seem like he was surprised.

"Please, don't tell anyone. My p-parents know, of course, but not anyone else. A-and since no one really remembers me and C- I mean, a guy dated, they don't know I'm not straight yet," Tweek was really embarrassed at this point. He never figured he would come out to a friend like this! "Anyways, yes. It was a guy. He wasn't the best though," Kenny becomes serious and gives Tweek the attention he deserves, "his name is Josiah. I met him back when I was in -OH SWEET JESUS- in my 8th-grade year... He was always so agh... I can't even -nng- explain him. It makes me irritated just thinking about it. Let's just say, everyone either wanted to -nng- be like him or wanted him.."

Tweek has this little pouty face and Kenny just had to laugh, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh, it's just, you're so cute with that face." Tweek blushes.

"ACK. I do?! D-don't look at me!" Tweek looks away, his face still red. HOW EMBARRASSING!

"Alright, uh, well, not to get personal, but since he was your boyfriend, did you guys ever have sex?"

"GAH! W-WHAT? N-NO. He... he was trying for -nng- a while. B-b-but I couldn't... I had so many -nng- worries and I just freak out a lot. Sometimes I wondered why he would even be -AH- with someone like me..." After that, Kenny let it go. Seeing as Tweek was struggling to even speak. As if he didn't already struggle before.

"How about we turn in for the night? It's really late so might as well just stay the night, right?" Kenny grabs the bowl and trash, and as he was about to head downstairs to clean up for the night, Tweek had a little question.

"There won't be any -nng- gnomes to steal my underpants, will there? Oh, sweet Jesus!"

"No, Tweek. No gnomes will steal anything from you tonight. Not with me around." Kenny leaves the room to the kitchen.

When he headed back to his room, Tweek was on the floor, "What do I sleep with?"

The poor boy chuckles, "How about with a blanket and a pillow. On a bed. My bed. With me."

"Gah! W-with you? Are you sure? I don't think that's such a... good -nng- idea. I tend to toss and turn a lot before actually sleeping."

"Well, I'd prefer you sleeping in my bed. That way, I can protect you from any harm. Come on. There's no need to worry..." Tweek decides to let Kenny have his way and climb into his bed. It was warm, cozy and big. With the nice breeze flowing in through Kenny's window and cuddled in the blanket, it felt good. Tweek actually felt safe. His eyes slowly shut and his heart relaxed. As for his brain, it was exhausted, so it shut off as well. No worries for tonight. No... no... gnomes.

I'm trying so hard to keep updating this and not letting flunk on me :'))
By the way... any thoughts of this? So far? I would love your feedback! However, feedbacks, please. Not rude comments. It would be appropriate and appreciated :)
My plan though is to still keep this story short! To my readers and followers from Amino, thanks! As well to my readers on Wattpad, thank you. For giving this story a read.
I hope you are enjoying it so far because this is only the beginning!

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