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"You use to date each other."

Both boys were quiet, but so many questions ran through their heads.

"Don't you remember dearies?" The question went out for both boys.

Quickly and at the same time, both said, "No." the mothers exchange a look.

"Really? You two were crazy about each other as kids. Then again, you were just kids. Young kids in love." Mrs. Tweak softly rubs the top of her son's head.

Craig's mother gives a soft laugh, "Yes, yes. Especially you, Craig. You would never leave Tweek alone for a second and wouldn't let him hang out with those 4 boys."

Tweek's heart started to pound fast and his thoughts became loud. Me? With him!? How did someone like me ever get with someone like him? Tweek ran upstairs to his bedroom. Tweek's mother became concerned. Maybe this was too much for him to handle in one day?

"Craig, why don't you go up there? You always knew what to do when it came to him. This is a chance to bond again after all this time." Alright, Craig has had enough of this crap.

He starts heading for the door with his mother calling out to him, but he didn't care. Maybe this was all some sick joke. How could he have ever been with some crazy kid like him? And even if it was all true, they were young! Yeah, young. Young, stupid and "in love". He needed a quick fuck, but with a girl who wouldn't cry in the morning about being left broken-hearted. Pulling out his phone, he messaged the one girl who was always down to just screw around, Wendy. She loved making her boy toy, Stan, jealous so she took every chance she got to screw around and then talk high and mighty about it afterward.

Craig: Yo

Wendy: what?

Craig: Booty call

Wendy: really? im trying 2 finish this damn school project

Craig: Just come by for a quick

Wendy: im not driving all the way to your place to just please you, Craig. ur insane if u think i would

Craig: Fine, then I'll come to you.

Wendy: fine, hurry ur ass up

Craig turns off his phone and starts walking to Wendy's house hoping to forget what happened today.


It was the end of the day and Tweek was helping his parents clean up around the house, mostly just downstairs. He felt embarrassed running off on Craig like that, but he couldn't help it! His therapist told him to watch out for anything that could be too stressful for him. Tweek was so caught up in his own thoughts he couldn't hear his parents, who weren't that far from him, calling out to him.

"Tweek!" That shout was enough for Tweek to snap back into reality.

"GAH! What!? I-I mean, yes?"

"Tweek, son, have you taken your pills yet? It's getting late and you know what the doctors said. No more refusing to take the pills." Tweek nods heading to his room bringing out his bag of pills. He went downstairs to look for some water, but go figure, they only had coffee. Ice coffee.

"Dad, -nng- there's no w-water."

Mrs. Tweak grabs her purse and grabs $10 handing it over to Tweek, "Here sweetie. The store should be just around the corner. I would say take your car, but you need to take those pills first, otherwise, you'll be distracted by your own mind. So you'll have to walk." Tweek nods, grabbing his sweater and putting on his shoes. Tweek shoves his pills in his pocket.

As he walks out the door, his father calls out for him to be careful. Tweek speed walk it to the store. He just wanted to get his hands on a water fast, to take his pills. As he walks there, he tried to keep himself distracted. Trees, bush, swings, windows, gnomes- GAH! GNOMES!? Have they returned to steal my underwear? Tweek was so caught up in the moment he didn't see Kenny and had bumped into him. He stumbles back but Kenny grabs his hand, pulling him onto him. Tweek freaks out and quickly jumps back.

"W-who are you!? Have you -nng- come to steal my money? OH SWEET JESUS," Tweek had his hands up to cover himself in self-defense, but Kenny hands his arms and lowers them. Tweek opens an eye slowly, realizing it was just Kenny. He lets out a big sigh of relief.

"You okay?" Kenny asks very concernedly.

"I -nng- I'm fine. I j-just haven't had my medication yet. I came to the -nng- store to get some water. I-I need it to drink my pills, that is in my pocket." Tweek explains. Kenny looks around before telling Tweek he would join him to make sure he got to the store safely. The walk was calming and quiet. Tweek would think it would be awkward considering he hadn't seen Kenny in forever, but it was surprisingly still.

Finally, they've arrived at the store, "I'll wait out here for you."

The small boy goes into the store, buying his water and leaving. As he promised, Kenny was still outside waiting for him. Tweek struggled to open the bottled water. Kenny took noticed this and he grabs the water, opening it up. He hands it back and Tweek quickly drinks the water with the pills. Once he was finished, the boy relaxed.

"I-I think I should head home now. My parents might get worried." Tweek starts walking back home, but Kenny stops him.

"Wait, it's been a while. Why don't we head to my place? My parents aren't home and I don't want to be alone. My younger sister went over to a friend's house and I don't even know where my brother is." Tweek being Tweek, wasn't sure if he should or not.

"But my parents, they wouldn't know."

"You have a phone, don't you? You can just call them and tell them," Kenny suggests, "but you don't have to. I was just asking if you wanted to."

Tweek decided to call his mother. It took a couple of tries, but finally, she picks up.


"Mother? It's me, Tweek. I ran into an -nng- an old friend and I was wondering if I could -nng- hang out with him tonight."

"Well, I don't see why not. Your daddy is asking if you've taken your pills yet. Have you?" Tweek checks his pockets to make sure he's taken all his pills, in case he's forgotten one in his pocket.

"Yeah, I -nng- took them all," Tweek responds softly.

"Alright, then go ahead. Don't get home so late though, but if you do, please message me." Tweek assures his mother the best he could that he would be safe. After a couple of minutes telling him how much they loved him, the call ended.

"Gah! Sorry, that t-took so long. I didn't expect it to -nng- last that long..." Kenny wraps his arm around Tweek's shoulders.

"Yo, that's fine. Let's head to my place. It gets cold out here at night." They started to walk back to his place.

As Kenny felt Tweek relax into his arm, a smirk grew on his face. Oh yeah, tonight should be interesting.

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