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It was the next day and everyone in the school had noticed the new guy, Josiah. Tweek avoided him in the morning before classes but as the day went by, he noticed he had a lot of classes with him.

Are you fucking serious right now?

Tweek groaned in frustration as he slammed his head against the table during lunch, "Tweek, you alright man?"

Kenny looks at Tweek worried. Tweek wanted to tell Kenny everything that was bottled up inside him, but he couldn't. Everyone was around and listening, "Yeah. Just didn't get a lot of -nng- sleep last night."

Everyone at the table went back to minding their own business. Tweek turns his head as it's laid on the table and sees Josiah across the room, sitting at a table with a bunch of girls. Tricking them with his charm and his "friendly" personality. And as if that wasn't enough, his looks and body just gave him a more good reputation. The twitchy boy mentally slaps himself as to why he couldn't see it before.

The boy doesn't even notice that Josiah caught him staring at him and was also doing the same. Tweek breaks out into reality and sees this, blushing and turning away. The bell rings which tells the kids that lunch was over. Everyone gets up and leaves for their next class. Tweek, Craig, and Token walked to class together, since they all had the same class next.

They all walk into the locker rooms, getting dressed in uniforms. Tweek was chatting with Craig and sees that Josiah walks into the room. Seriously? As soon as he was finished, he walks out and waits for class to start.

"Alright guys, we're doing basketball today. Craig aaand..." the teacher's voice trails off as she sees Josiah, "That's right, new guy. Your name?"

"Josiah, miss." The teacher looks for his name on the paper and the girls fawn over him, checking out his body. Whispering and giggling while doing so.

"Oh, yep, got you right here. Nice to meet you, welcome to class. Anyway, teams, Craig and Josiah are the leaders. Pick your teammates." kids get excited and wait for them to get picked.

Josiah smiles, "You start."

Craig was the one who picked Token first. He's his best guy.

Tweek knew who was going to pick him and sighs, "Tweek." the boy walks towards Josiah and stands next to him.

Kids were slowly getting picked by the two boys. Soon enough, the teams were done and now it was time for the game. Everyone got into position and waited for the game to start. The bell gets thrown in the air and Craig catches it by throwing it on his side of the team.

Josiah's team quickly grabs the ball from their opponent and makes a fast score. The team kept going back and forth with the scores, making it a tie. It was the last 5 minutes of class and the two teams were ready to see who would win.

The teacher comes in with the ball and throws it up. Josiah catches it and starts to make a run for their hoop. However, another student from Craig's team gets in his way and steals it, tossing it to another teammate. Craig was closest to the opponent's net and was ready for the ball to be tossed to him. His teammate saw this and throws it to him.

Craig throws it in, but the ball goes out on the edge before falling off, not completing the score. The teenage boy curses under his breath. Someone from Josiah's team catches the ball from Craig's toss and stats to move to the other hoop.

On Josiah's team, Tweek was the closest to the hoop and open. The person who held the ball threw it towards Tweek. The twitchy boy started moving backward but misstepped, falling back onto his bottom. Tweek groaned and as he looks back up, two hands were in front of him. Craig's and Josiah's. The boy was embarrassed and confused at who's hand he should take.

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