Chapter 15 Where there is smoke there is fire

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Authors notes: Hello everyone, sorry for the late posting. I've just been so busy with irl work. Also, if you haven't done so yet, please check out the audio version of this story. It has a full voice cast of actors. And it would mean the world to me if you checked it out and gave it some love. You can find it on youtube- Zelda botw sequel(fanmade) audiobook part 1. The audiodrama has taken a lot of time as well, which has pulled me away from writing the current story. But don't worry, it will be finished. Just a little slower than I'd like. Lastly, please be sure to leave a comment here. When you do that, it really inspires me to work the extra hours with the more comments I see. I love hearing your thoughts and opinions whether good or bad. It helps me direct the story where it needs to go so I can keep you all entertained. Which is my hope.

Chapter 15

Where There is Smoke, There is Fire

The raging downpour slowly began to lighten as Link and Zelda made their way to the royal tent. It stood out from the rest, much more opulent and well-furnished compared to what Link had to endure with Sidon thus far. Link wasn't one to complain, however. He'd slept in lower conditions before, thinking back to all those long and restless nights near enemy encampments in the open wild of Hyrule.

In those days he had felt like he could never get enough rest; always half-alert, with a hand on the hilt of his sword throughout the night. Even now, he found comfort to be a commodity of the distant past. He had grown used to being without. What he now considered a true luxury would simply be any amount of undisturbed rest.

"Lord Simon sure does spare no expense, doesn't he?" Link asked rhetorically, attempting to lighten the mood.

The princess' demeanor was still glum, but she sent him a small smile. Link hoped he could lift her spirits. All he wanted was to get her mind off her stress, to hear her sweet laugh again.

Such a task wouldn't be easy, however. Zelda's thoughts had been racing since leaving the infirmary. She was distracted, hardly noticing Link's attempt at conversation as she headed further into the tent. A beautifully decorated veil adjacent to her bed divided the large space into two parts. Behind it stood a handmaiden, who Zelda tiredly asked to begin preparing an evening bath for her. The girl bowed politely and headed off, leaving Link and Zelda in relative seclusion.

The princess let out a deep sigh as she walked back to where Link was around the other side of the bed. "I can't believe this is still happening," she said. "Ever since we have returned, every day has been worse than the last. Will we ever be allowed any respite? I thought things would be different, easier, with Calamity Ganon gone... But it seems like nothing has changed at all."

Link watched her silently, listening as she continued. "When will this nightmare end? What are we to do if it doesn't? What if..." she trailed off. She looked down, her hands held close to her body. "What if Riju..." Zelda barely choked out. It was a sentence she couldn't finish, the possible reality was too much to bear.

"She is going to make it!" Link quickly took a few steps closer. "Riju is as strong as they come, and the Starlight Cavalry are the best riders in Hyrule," he reminded her. Even a hundred years later, he remembered their reputation clearly. "Everything will be alright, I just know it," Link reassured the princess. He hated to see her cry.

Zelda lifted her head to look at him, wiping at her cheeks with a sniffle. Link held a hand out and she accepted it gently. He squeezed it as she began to calm.

"You're right, we can't lose hope," Zelda finally responded. "I shouldn't harbor such doubts, especially after all we have been through... I mean, what you accomplished has been a miracle in itself. My faith should be stronger."

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