Chapter 18

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Dianne's POV

D-"Joe we're going skiing or snowboarding which ever you want"
J-"Which one are you doing"
D-"Probably snowboarding"
J-"Me too"
D-"Come on let's go"

I dragged Joe out of bed, oh wait we need to put clothes on.

D-"Wait clothes"
J-"Oh I wondered why I was cold"
J-"Excuse me you're the ones who dragged us out of bed"
D-"Fine we're both idiots"
J-"Thank you"

Joe and I got dressed and met up with the rest of our families before going to the slopes. Most of them were doing skiing.

Z-"What are you doing here"
A-"I'm on holiday with my family for the weekend what about you?"
Z-"Urm well me too"
A-"Oh are you going skiing now"
A-"Me too have you ever skied before"
Z-"No and I'm rather nervous"
A-"I'll show you if you like"

D-"I know right, look at them"
D-"Why are we acting like we're ten years older than Zoe"
J-"I have no idea"

Joe and I giggled before we both jumped.

P-"Hi I'm Poppy, I'm Alfie's sister"
D-"Sorry you made us jump, I'm Dianne and this is"
J-"Joe I'm her fiancé and Zoe is my sister"
P-"Oh that's Sean, he's my boyfriend and I've heard a lot about Zoe, my brother won't shut up about her"
D-"She's a great person"
P-"From What I hear she's an amazing person"
J-"Yeah she's pretty great"

Poppy carried on walking with us, Sean caught up and we introduced ourselves to him. Alfie and Poppy's parents introduced themselves to ours, this had turned into a very big holiday, but I wasn't complaining it was really nice. When we were up on the slopes everyone was in pairs apart from Andrew. Bless him all alone. I was about to shout him over but Joe beat me to it.

Joe's POV

J-"Do you want to go down with us two on the slopes"
A-"Yeah thank you"
D-"Oh you're snowboarding as well"
A-"Yeah are we the only three"
J-"I think so everyone else still has two separate legs"
A-"I feel so left out"
A-"Everyone has someone now"
J-"Don't worry you're time will come"
A-"Easy for you to say you've got my sister"
D-"Please never say that again"
A-"Yeah That didn't sound so creepy in my head any way you get my point"
J-"I never thought I would find anyone because I was so in love with Dot and she just wasn't back"
D-"Speak for yourself"
J-Well you didn't love me back"
D-"Okay fine I didn't but can we just clarify that I do now, I love you so much"
J-"I love you too"
A-"I thought you guys were supposed to be making me feel better but I'm stood her feeling single af"
J-"You know what let's stop talking and I don't even know the right term I guessing it's snowboard"
D-"Yeah let's go"

Dianne went down looking like a pro she didn't even wobble as she went down. Andrew and I were stood here in pure shock.

A-"That's nice of her to just leave us to it"
J-"Yeah such a kind person"

The fact that we were being sarcastic was funny because Dianne probably was one of the kindest people you would ever meet but she also the most talented as she's just proven.

J-"Has she ever snowboarded before?"
A-"I don't think so, you know her better than me"
J-"I can't think of a time when she would have"
A-"Has she skateboarded"
J-"Again I don't know"
A-"Strange anyway do you want to go down"
J-"Yeah let's do it"
A-"Dot's probably getting bored stood at the end of the slope"

Andrew and I went down we both collided into each other then fell over then we got back up and ended up miles away from each other. We finally got to Dianne and she was in fits of laughter.

D-"That... was... brilliant"
D-"I recorded the whole thing"

Dianne played it back to us and we couldn't breathe we were laughing so hard. That was brilliant.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love
•Something Deeper

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