Chapter 20

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Joe's POV

J-"Are you okay this morning"
D-"Well I'm no longer exhausted"
J-"And she's better"
D-"What's that smell"
J-"What smell"
D-"There's a really weird smell coming from the kitchen"
J-"Oh I cooked ya breakfast"
D-"You did"
D-"Awww thanks"
J-"No problem"
D-"The smell has gone now"
J-"Maybe it's because you didn't know what it was"
D-"Yeah probably, I was thinking who the hell as been in the kitchen, but it's you"

I giggled. Dianne and I sat down for breakfast, she ate it very quickly.

J-"Do you want some more"

I started placing some of mine on her plate.

D-"Oh no it's fine"
J-"No I'm full"
J-"To be fair you didn't eat much last night at all, I wouldn't have been surprised if you got up in the middle of the night and ate"
D-"Ooo I should've done"
J-"Yeah you missed an opportunity there"
D-"That would've been good"
J-"I need to go to the toilet"
D-"Oh you're turning into me yesterday"
J-"We've swapped bodies"
D-"I'm hungry and have a strong bladder"
J-"And I'm not hungry and need to pee"
D-"What a pair"
J-"That's funny, but now I really need to pee"
D-"Go then"

I went to the toilet and found a pregnancy test on the side.

D-"What's up"

I held up the pregnancy test, and Dianne looked down at the floor.

D-"Sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want to hurt you as well, I thought maybe I was feeling the way I did yesterday because I was pregnant but I'm not"

I actually looked at the test and saw one line. My heart sunk a little. Dianne looked really sad.

D-"I must have forgotten to put it in the bin, I'm really sorry"
J-"Hey, hey it's okay, look at me"
J-"Are you okay"
J-"Well then that's all that matters to me"

Dianne started to cry. I wrapped her in a big hug. She wiped her tears. I kissed her, she seemed shocked at first but then kissed back with a lot of passion I lifted her up and laid her down on the bed. I pulled back slightly realising what was about to happen. Dianne continued to kiss me though.

J-"I'm not sure"
D-"Okay, it's fine"

I'm in a predicament, I want to have a kid with Dianne and I don't want to hurt her feelings. Wait what, that doesn't make any sense? What am I on about? I want a kid with Dianne and I don't care when it is and I wouldn't hurt Dianne's feelings by having a kid with her but I probably would by not. I'm confused? I don't even know why I stopped us?

J-"I didn't mean that"

Before Dianne could finish her word I kissed her. I started taking off my jacket and she started taking off of hers. Before we could go any further there was a knock at the door.

J-"Urgh I'll Get It"
J-"Guess who it is"
D-"Santa Claus"
J-"I wish, it's our families, they've brought the minivan round"
D-"We have to leave"
J-"I know, if it wasn't for the coldness we wouldn't be wearing so many layers and would be much further in that than we just were"
D-"Stupid Snow"

We both giggled.

J-"We can try another time"
J-"Come here"

Dianne walked over to me and I wrapped her in a big warm hug.

J-"I love you Dot"
D-"I love you too Joey, so much and I'll love our baby just as much as I do you"
J-"Me too she's gonna be the most perfect thing just like her mummy"
D-"How do you know it's gonna be a girl"
J-"I just have a feeling"
D-"I'm not even pregnant"
J-"You will be soon if I have anything to do with it"

Dianne smacked my arm and said "Of course you'll have something to do with it and you better not say anything like that on the way back especially in front of our parents" "I know they'd have a heart attack"
We both giggled I can't wait to have a tiny human with Dianne.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love
•Something Deeper

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