Part 6

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My Geometry class is cancelled. Teacher's no show. I don't know what to do. - L

I compose a brief message on my phone while unconsciously wander around the hallway with no particular destination. I don't know what to do, it's true. I don't even know where to go to spend my vacant hour before the next period starts. I'm used to be with William most of the time, where he always gets to say about almost everything. We do what he says, and we go where he wants. I don't mind at all since initiative is never one of my strongest suits.

Now that William is currently in class, I can only think of texting him and asking for suggestion. After a few while of contemplating, I eventually tap the phone screen to send the text. His reply comes in an instance.

Maybe I should just end my class too. My Human Biology class is ridiculous. I want to be with you. - W

That earns a small curve of spontaneous smile out of my lips. I know how cheesy that sounds. Some people might even think that this 'I want to be with you' line is just a shallow expression which happens to be very handy for anyone to say to their boyfriend or girlfriend, nothing really special about this common saying. But for me, it is much more than just some sweet icing for a relationship. Nobody ever said that they wanted to be with me before. Of course, why would they?

Please don't. I'll be fine. I just need somewhere to be before the second period starts. Any idea? - L

You're not with your friends? - W

William is talking about the friends I get ever since the bullying stopped. People are no longer afraid for being seen with me. They never have to worry anymore about sharing my bad luck or becoming the next bully target. It feels like forever since I had anyone to include me in a study group or to be something as simple as lunch company.

No. They're not in Geometry either. Probably not sharing the same schedule with me. So? - L

Go to the library. - W

What? I think I read it wrongly, but I don't. Does he really suggest me to go to the library? Isn't it a common sense to think that library is an absolute hangout place for those who are smart or nerds? And I'm totally sure that I'm not one of those. Well, one book can easily send me freaked out, let alone leaving me alone in the middle of hundreds. I'm just too stupid to understand everything all by myself. I don't belong there. And William knows that.

But.. The place scares me. - L

I merely tell him what I feel instead of saying no. I don't even feel the necessity to question him. I do that out of spontaneity and not because I don't want to make him upset. No. I guess resistance is not my nature as well.

It's alright, Baby. You'll be fine. And I'll be fine, for I know that you'll be alone and not talking to anyone there. - W

After a few seconds of 'not-really-thinking', I manage to send away a short reply of okay. It is not because I've overcome the uncomfortable feeling in my chest as I'm heading towards the library, like I said, I just don't have anywhere else to go. And William said I'll be fine, so I guess I will be. Well, what harm can a couple hundreds of book possibly do to me anyway?

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