Part 16

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I once had a bf who often said "Are you looking down on me?" or "Do you f*cking think I can't afford that?" or "Do I look like a cheapskate to you?" whenever I offered to pay our purchases or meals. So yeah, William's controlling financial behavior is somewhat factual at some points, at least in my reality.

I hope this could answer some of you who might think that his behavior is weird and kind of make no sense. Maybe you ask 'Do people even do that in real life? Forcing people to accept their money?'

At first, I remember feeling lucky, but in the long run I felt my sense of independence is being scraped away bit by bit. I hope William's intention isn't like that.. :)


"Do you bring the present?" William asks as he opens the car door to allow me to get into his car. It's almost 8 PM when he picks me up to go to Jess' birthday. It's not that he doesn't want to come inside and meet my mom. I was the one who told him to just wait in the car while I was getting permission from my mom. I know it wouldn't be too difficult since my mom knew already that I was going with William. She even said okay when I told her that we might come home very late.

I reply as he settles himself in the driver's seat. "I do." Smiling cheerfully, I wave the Apple paper bag in my hand before I put it on the back seat. Yeah, I used the paper bag to carry the wrapped gift.

William closes our face to give me a chaste kiss on the lips. "Let's go then."

He starts the car and heads to Jess' house. She had texted me her address during lunch break today and I forwarded it to my boyfriend. William said her house is not too far from his. I often hear about the area she lives in but never got a chance to go there as I didn't know anyone there before. The place is quite well-known among the citizens of this small town. Jess lives in the area where the higher income earners are living. In other words, her family is rich, although not as wealthy as William. But I wonder if I ever find out about her financial background if she never gave me her address.

"Did your parents say anything?" William's question breaks my attention off of his outfit. He wears a casual-cutting black blazer on top of a black T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and white sneakers. They look so good on his tall, slim but masculine figure. I think he looks perfect in any kind of outfit.

"My dad's at work. My mom said I should stay close to you if the party's too crowded."

He smirks at that, "You should listen to her, Baby."

I chuckle at his remarks. "I plan to do so." Of course, where else I would be? Parties and crowds are never my thing. I might be getting a hard time blending in them.

"We're here, Lou." William announces as he pulls his car into a driveway of a white residence that has a quite large garden surrounding it. Her house is indeed close from William's. I think it's only ten minutes drive.

It's plain to see that the maintenance for those small plants, bushes, flowers, grasses and trees in this garden are being handled by professionals. I look around to see the neighborhood. The distances of these houses are quite far one another. No wonder Jess doesn't have problem throwing party at her house. William parks his car at the provided area where 4-5 other cars have already been parked there.

Following William, I get out of the car and check my appearance through the reflection on the car windows before taking out the birthday present. I wear a long sleeve gray sweater, black jeans, and gray sneakers. These sneakers are the ones I wear to school also. I don't have too many shoes, only a pair of formal shoes, sport shoes which I leave them at school locker and these sneakers. I look modest compared to William, but I hope he doesn't mind. I hope there are other kids who come in just a Tshirt and jeans here.

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