Part 7

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"What did he want?" William pauses in his track, and this makes me stop walking also. He can't help but wonder. I just told him about my short encounter with Ethan that still brings horror to me even until this very second.

"No idea." I shake my head a little, initiating a move so that we can resume our walk to the cafeteria for it's already lunch hour and I'm kind of starving. His right hand rests on my waist along the way. "Perhaps he just wanted to scare me."

"Or he's seeking for an open war with me." He adds with annoyed tone.

I don't reply to that. I'm more busy in acting as natural as possible because I withhold another information from William. Yes, I did it again. I didn't tell William that I was having a short conversation with Tim. How can I tell him that? William had clearly warned me not to have anything to do with Tim ever again.

"Anything else, Lou?" He asks.

"No. Just that." I try to work hard on my amateur body language so that it won't give off any unnecessary message that can be read by my boyfriend's prying eyes.

"Spill it, Baby," He asks. "I know you too well. You're holding something."

I let out a small sigh, half-hoping that William won't notice that. I guess I really can't hide anything from him. To be honest, I also dislike the idea of keeping things from William. It's against my belief. I love him so much. I want him to know everything about me, just like how much I want to know everything about him.

But this time I really can't tell him about Tim. The matter is too sensitive. I can't imagine what William would do if he ever found out that Tim had been so daring to talk to me while he's not around. Even though Tim and I are no longer friends, I still care about him. That will never change. And I hope Tim knows that.

"Speak, Lou." William is no longer asking. He orders me to answer the question right away. Blame me, for I'm the one who's responsible for tickling his curiosity. And now I really have to satisfy it before it grows bigger into becoming doubt. I wish I'm better at putting up a poker face.

"It's.." I contemplate my answer for a split second, "Mikey and Ivan."

I observe his face while walking beside him. I hold the books that I've been bringing tighter into my hug. I hope he doesn't find out that I just left out the last subject. Tim.

"What's with them?" Looks like my answer was not exactly like he might have guessed earlier. "What did they do to you, Baby?"

"I'm not sure, William," I don't know how to explain such absurdity, "It's probably nothing."

Suddenly he stops walking again and pulls me back by my left arm. He wants me to look at him in the eye by lifting my chin. No, he's not mad. I don't catch anger in his eyes. Instead, he looks a little bit... sad.

"Don't tell me nothing, Lou." He sounds so caring. "You're everything to me. Even the smallest thing about you is never going to be nothing in my eyes."

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