Part 10

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A/N: Forgive me if the story development does not come into your liking. I totally don't know what I'm doing with this story.. LOL! XDXD


I wake up to the sound of someone talking in low volume, almost like whispering. But I cannot quite catch what's the talking about. The source seems a little bit far from where I am right now. I open my eyes to find out that I am currently laying in William's comfortable king-sized bed with my back facing the door.

I don't remember covering myself with a blanket before, but I can feel its warmth shielding my naked body from the cold blow of air conditioner. It must be William who covered me. He's always been such a caring boyfriend. Knowing that the other side of the bed is empty, I roll my body a bit to allow my eyes observing another area of this room.

"William..." My voice comes out really awful due to my extremely dry mouth.

Hearing his name being called, William hurriedly shuts the door and steps closer towards the bed. It's not until he is close enough that I see him bringing a tray with two cups in his hands. He carefully puts them on the night stand before helping me to bring myself up to a sitting position. I wince at a sharp pain in my bottom area as I try to sit.

"Slowly, Baby." He speaks in a husky voice while taking a sit behind me. Letting my body to lean back on his strong chest as a support.


"Shh.. Don't talk. Your throat is still sore." He carefully takes one cup from the tray he brought earlier, and brings it in front of me. "Drink this."

I take in the sight of warm beverage before me, it's tea. I probably look very exhausted since he doesn't let me hold the cup myself. I have no other choice but to obediently drink it from his offering hand. I don't know what kind of tea it is, but it smells really good.

"Thank you." I get my voice back as I finish drinking half of my tea.

He wraps his hands around my body from behind after putting the cup back on the tray. I can feel his fluffy sweater brushing against my naked skin. His hands gently caress at my skinny chest. "It's chamomile. I supposed you'd hurt your throat since you screamed a lot. So, I ask the maid to prepare it while you're sleeping."

I flush at the information. "I'm sorry." I know I did scream a lot. But I couldn't help it. At first, it was more painful than I have ever imagined. Probably just because it's my first time. I only hope that I wasn't torn down there because I can still feel this disturbing stinging sensation in my lower back.

"No need to feel sorry, Lou. I liked that." He occasionally gives a small kiss on my left shoulder. "And I apologize if I hurt you too much. You know I didn't mean it, don't you?"

I nod at that. Of course, I know. William won't ever have the slightest intention to hurt me. He's like the kindest person alive. I take both of his hands that are keeping me secure in his hug and hold them close in my chest.



"May I ask why you kept holding my neck when we're..." I'm still not used to say the word 'have sex', but I hope he gets what I'm trying to ask.

"Did that hurt you?" He inquires me back.

I shake my head in negative. "No."

"You didn't like that?"

"Not that, William. It's just... I'm not used to it." I honestly want to ask whether he's going to do that if we ever get to have sex again. But I choose not to.

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