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(Vietnam's POV)
I felt everything drop, I heard screams and crying from everybody who is here with me.
We all fell into something wet and slimy.
I began to swim upward along with the others.

We were now all soggy and tired. We laid on the cold floor to rest for a while. A couple of minutes pass by and we finally finished processing what just happened."Malay...
For once you being a bookworm was helpful."
"Oh why thank you," Malay said still out of breath. Even in this situation, he is still way too proud.
"Ok Malay you can continue being proud of what you did while we continue trying to break out of here," Philip said. "Hey look it's another note"Indo said.

Aussie picked it up and read
"Hello again my dear friends,
Within this hour you would have to complete two tasks. Each task releases another close friend or relative of yours, do it wrong and one of you will be my prisoner for the next task.
If you look above you you will see, a girl that is a close friend to you, Nada.
Do this task properly and she will be set free.
Let me remind you that if you do this wrong one of you will be captured, Let's see Malay or Philip."

"But I don't want to die," Philip said tearfully
"Well me neither so we better do this right."
Malay said trying not to panic.
I then asked out loud, "are you gonna give us a hint of..."
A paper came out of the slit on the ceiling
It said,


"Ok then "I said in disappointment.
"Let's just get started mate,the clock is ticking and we only got an hour."Aussie said
"Ya Ukraine seems very uncomfortable up there."Nada said.
"Everyone look for clues,tools ,or anything useful." Indo said trying to make us hurry.

I began looking around and noticed a small arabic statue. It looked like some kind of egg with a keyhole in the center.

(Pretend that there is a keyhole)@google"Maybe there is a secret compartment here that holds the key for this egg

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(Pretend that there is a keyhole)
"Maybe there is a secret compartment here that holds the key for this egg." I thought .
"Everyone,look for a secret compartment,it should contain a key !"Everyone nodded in response and began the search.
(Philip's POV)
Ok so we are supposed to find a compartment , but specifically where?I then saw a hole in the corner of the room.I peeked in and saw a button, I didn't know what it does but it was worth a try.
Hmmmm what if we stick something into that hole to reach the button , let me just see if I have anything I can use perhaps a pole.

Surprisingly I actually had one ,just gotta stick this in here as deep,as ,possible.
"Ang tigas !"
(It's so hard!)
"Dali ,help me out with this stubborn pole!"
Everyone came over to help me.
"On three" Malay began,"one ,two , three,push!" Everyone yelled in unison.

We heard a click from the button and a compartment opened up ,it contained a key
Which is exactly what they needed.They opened up the egg and it contained a


Well it did have an oddly twisted end but what can we use it for?
Vietnam grabbed it and threw it at the cage from where Ukraine was trapped in.

Surprisingly she caught it and used it to open the lock.First task complete!

Now on to the second one!

(Third person POV)
The group caught Ukraine when she jumped out of the cage.
"Thanks for helping me get outta there, it smells like the psycho that locked us in here used my cage for a hawk or something."
"At least your safe" Nada said happily .

"Ok you guys lets go to the next level and finish the second task." Indo said while pushing them apart.
(Malay's POV)
Awwwww Indo broke my ship ☹️
But it's probably for the best since we only got 40 mins left and we can't waste our time.

(Nada's POV)
I'm so glad to have Ukraine back,it's been a while since I last saw her, her big brother Russia really hates our family.
But i gotta stop thinking about that and focus on getting out of here.

We entered a dimly lit room and saw Poland stuck in a special type of cage ,  there was also A water bucket, wood,paper,books , a torch, and a odd contraption with two compartments

A paper was slipped from a hole in the ceiling
It said,
"Guve me food and I will live,give me water and I will die."(riddle is from google)
Well that was peculiar,
"Maybe it's a riddle" Philip suggested
"Maybe if we answer it correctly then Polen will be released."Aussie said out loud for everyone to hear.
(Third person POV)
"Indo grab the torch ,Viet please gather all of the flamable things you can find and place it in the first compartment of that machine" Malay said.
Aussie continued, "Nada and Ukraine grab the large water bucket and pour it in the lower compartment in the machine machine."
"Then on three," Philip said
"You will throw the torch into the hole on top of the machine." He continued .
"One,two ,THREE!" Philip,Malay and Aussie yelled.
  Indo threw the torch , it fell unto the items that Vietnam placed inside and the fire grew.
Nada pulled a lever and it fell into the water.
The smoke powered the machine ,making the cage open up,Poland flew down to them.

They then heard that voice from earlier

"Drats! Looks like you figured everything out.
Now you can have a reward , Here is a powerful gun that you would have to wear like a glove; Vietnam you are the only one capable of powering it."
A box was lowered down and it had a cool looking gun .He put it on and tested it out ,he shot it at a wall that had another room inside and shot it making an entrance that they can use.

"Unfortunately my dear friends ,the other people managed to escape but are kinda injured.So I would have to take one of you, let's see Philip or Malay..."

(Aussie's POV)
The lights turned off.
I heard a scream followed by a laser blast made by Vietnam trying to save the one who was taken.

The lights came back on but Malay was gone.

(Malay's POV)
I felt something slimy wrap around my waste.
It began pulling me towards a hole
I saw Vietnam getting ready to shoot at the thing but he missed he tried again and again but each time he missed.

WOAH!!! 1112 words!!!
I didn't expect that it would be that long.
Also they lost the brains of the group, at least they still got Philip.

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