Chapter 2: The Phantom Virus brought up

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In the computer lab, Eric Staufer, a man with a similar hairstyle as Fred's but with black hair, and is wearing  glasses, a lab coat, a blue shirt, brown pants, black shoes, and an ID Card opens the doors to the lab and him along with Mystery Inc. and Team RWBY enter the lab. 

"This lab is one groovy setup, Eric" Daphne said

"Yeah, we like it too." Eric replies.

Ruby looks around the lab along with Yang.

Shaggy and Scooby walk up to a pair of rather huge tomatoes and get ready to eat it.

"You don't wanna eat those." a male voice said

"Huh?" Shaggy and Scooby asks

A man with orange hair, a red baseball cap, a lab coat, a tan shirt, and an ID Card walks by the two and says, "Those were grown in radioactive soil."

At the moment he says that, Shaggy and Scooby rub Shaggy's shirt

"Everyone, this is my lab partner, Bill McLemore." Eric explains

"Hi, nice to meet you." everyone said

"Thanks for keeping Shaggy and Scooby fro,m glowing in the dark." Velma said

"We'll go to dinner after the tour." Eric said to Shaggy and Scooby

"But first, can you show us your new video game? Scoob and I have been dieing to play it." Shaggy says

"No one is playing the game until we get rid of our problem" says a male with a German accent

Everyone looks over and sees a man in his late 50s in a lab coat with an ID Card, large white hair and some round glasses. 

"Professor, I'd like you to meet the mystery gang and team of huntresses I based my game on." Eric said pointing to Mystery Inc. and Team RWBY

"Ah, the famous Mystery Inc. and Team RWBY." Kaufman said as he cleaned his glasses with a cleaning cloth and put them back on

"And that's Scooby-Doo." Shaggy said pointing at Scooby who is walking by different chemistry bottles laughing as he does so.

"Anyways, it seems you've arrived just in time for a mystery." Kaufman said

"A mystery?" Velma and Weiss asked

"Why? What happened?" Fred added

Eric and Professor Kaufman walkover to a huge metal object with wires coming out of it

"This is a hyper-energy laser. We use it to break down actual objects and project them into cyberspace" Eric explained

"Jinkies." Velma says

"You mean you can transport objects from the real world into the computer world?" Weiss adds

"Persicely, young lady." Prof. Kaufman replies

"That's amazing." Daphne says

"It was, until the laser beamed a monster into our world last night." Eric says

"A monster?!?!?" Shaggy and Scooby say in unison as the two duck under a table at the mention of the word monster

"Right. The laser beamed a computer virus right here into this lab." Eric said

"A real freaky looking thing." Bill added

"It kept coming toward us, and we couldn't stop it." Eric stated

"It could wipe out the data from our computers by just walking near them." Bill explained

"When it got close, I managed to hold up a magnetic bar in defense" Kaufman added

"The magnet weakened him like kyrptonite to  Superman" Bill stated

"The thing about viruses is that they don't just appear, they have to be created by someone." Blake says

"But I didn't create it!!" Eric stated

"Where did it come from?" Daphne asked kneeling down to calm down Scooby who was in hiding still under the table

"Eric's computer game." Bill says

"The Scooby game has 10 levels.You have to battle monsters or villains while trying to find a box of Scooby Snacks in each level. So it could have come from any of the levels." Eric explains as he pulls out a box off Scooby Snacks

"Can you show us how this laser works?" Fred asks.

"Sure." Eric walks over and sets the box on a table.

Bill types something on his computer

"Everything's set up professor. Hit the switch." Eric says

Professor Kaufman nods and presses the trigger button for the laser and the laser's top hatch opens up, a  gun thing comes out, shoots a green energy beam at the snack box, then the laser goes back into idle mode and the snack box is nowhere to be seen

"Wow." Daphne says in amazement

Eric and Bill type something on their computers

"Now check out the monitor." Bill says as everyone looks at the monitor.

On the screen, a 3D green grid shape appears then turns into the box of Scooby Snacks that was on the table a minute ago

"I just got it. It's simple." Velma says

"It is??" Mystery Inc. and all of Team RWBY, even Weiss, ask in unison looking at Velma

"They're using the Scooby game as the location in Cyberspace to store physical objects." Velma explains

"Eric and Bill are sure to win the quarter-million dollar grand prize at this year's international science fair." Prof. Kaufman says

"We couldn't have done this without you, professor, you should share the reward too." Eric says

"No, no. Being able to guide young minds to their full potential is reward enough, Eric."

"Like, speaking of rewards, is it possible to get the Scooby Snacks out of the game?" Shaggy asks.

Eric types somethings on his computer, Prof. Kaufman presses the trigger for ethe laser making it come out, this time shooting the energy beam and putting th Scooby Snacks in the real world again

"Oh boy!" Shaggy and Scooby says as they run over to it

"They're gonna fight over it, aren't they?" Blake asks

"Knowing those two,most likely." Daphne answers

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