Chapter 5: Level 2, The Roman Colosseum

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The groups appear against yet another white background. This time, in the clothes they had on when sent into the game and they look around. As the level starts to come in slowly, Scooby jumps into Shaggy's arms. Eventually, the level fully comes in as a sign they have fully made it to the second level of the game

"Where are we now?" Daphne asks

"If i'm not mistaken, we're inside the Roman Colosseum." Velma answers

"Rolosseum?" Scooby says

"You mean like, where they play football?" Shaggy asks

"Not exactly, Shaggy." Velma responds

"In ancient Rome, people used to gather in the Colosseum to watch all kinds of events." Weiss adds

"Such as sports and music?" Yang asks

"Yeah, they did that too, Yang. But the Colosseum is famous as the place where the Romans fed people to the lions for lunch." Fred answers

"Like, speaking of lunch, we didn't even get to keep the Scooby Snacks from the moon level." Shaggy says. 

Scooby lowers his head not very happy about this

"Like, don't worry, Scoob. I'm sure there's a concession stand somewhere." Shaggy said to cheer up his old friend

"Wait, what's this?" Blake asks pointing at some large chalk-lines shaped like a diamond

Shaggy knelt down and put some of the chalk in-between his fingers.

"Like, it's chalk." Shaggy states

"What's chalk doing here? And why is it shaped like a baseball diamond?" Yang asks

"I don't know but I feel like we're about to find out..." Blake answers

"Rikes!! Rvirus!!!" Scooby said pointing at The Phantom Virus who had a dagger and a shield

"Welcome to level 2, game players. Where things get a little tougher. But first, let me introduce you to the home team!" The Phantom Virus as he used his dagger to break the chains on a door which open and skeleton gladiators walk out

 But first, let me introduce you to the home team!" The Phantom Virus as he used his dagger to break the chains on a door which open and skeleton gladiators walk out

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The skeleton gladiators roar as they hold up their weapons

"Zoinks!! Those guys look like they've got a bone to pick, huh Scoob??!?!?" Shaggy asked in fear

Scooby nodded in agreement

"Don't worry, everyone. We can beat these meatless gladiators!" Fred said as The Phantom Virus walked over to another door

"..and now, for the home team's mascot!!" The virus said as he broke the chain on the doors he walked to and a lion comes out with the Scooby Snacks in his mouth

"The lion has the Scooby Snacks!!" Daphne cried out

"You know, for once, i'm not in the mood for Scooby Snacks!" Shaggy stated

"Rme rneither!" Scooby replied

The lion dropped the snack box on a pitcher mound and roared loudly. 

"Yikes! Let's get moving!!" Shaggy shouts as him and Scooby start running

"Good idea Shaggy!!" Velma said as her, Fred, and Daphne followed

Team RWBY however, tried to stay behind to fight the gladiators. Just as Ruby was about to grab Cresent Rose however, the lion jumped in the way and roared at them keeping them away from the gladiators

"And as a surprise for Team RWBY, I have a special guest helping the home team." The virus said as he unlocked a door releasing  a rather unusually large Beowolf

"How the hell is that Beowolf that huge?!?!?" Yang asks

"I don;t know but we need to keep it away from Mystery Inc. so one of them can get to the Scooby Snacks and end this level." Ruby said as she grabbed Cresent Rose

Team RWBY started fighting the large Beowolf. Meanwhile, Fred was using Daphne's purple jacket as an improv'ed red cloth for messing with the lion. Eventually, Daphne and Velma got the lion back behind the door it was behind and blocked it with a wooden bar. Fred gave Daphne back her jacket, Daphne kissed Fred, and Velma heard Shaggy and Scooby scream

"Shaggy and Scooby need our help! Come on!" Velma said as the three ran over. 

When Mystery Inc. got all grouped back together, they were discussing plans on distracting the gladiators so someone can get the snacks. However, un-benounced to them, Team RWBY had finished their fight with the unusually large Beowolf

"I'm heading for the Scooby Snacks." Yang said as she took off heading for the snack box. However, one of the gladiators tried to throw their spear at her but she grabbed it and threw it at Shaggy and Scooby

"You two distract the gladiators while Yang gets the snacks." Fred orders

"But like,  how?" Shaggy asks

"Try leading them up into the stands." Velma answers 

"Like, I don't think we have the energy." Shaggy says

Just then, two more spears land by them and it scares the near living daylights out of them

"But, maybe we do!" Shaggy said as Fred gave him and Scooby two of the spears

Ruby ran over and grabbed the third one

"Follow my lead, yu two!" Ruby said as she used her spear to pole-vault over the wall

Not seeing many other options, Shaggy and Scooby follow what she did only to get followed by the gladiators who decided to climb up the wall. Eventually, the trio lead them into the stands and decide to fool them with costumes. It all seems to be working until Shaggy accidentally steps on the back of Scooby's costume

"Ruh-roh." Scooby says as his costume falls off.

The gladiators notice this and get ready to attack the three. However, meanwhile, Yang grabs the Scooby Snack box and the groups start going to the 3rd level. First is Team RWBY leaving Shaggy and Scooby defenseless. Then, at the last second, Mystery Inc. gets transported to the 3rd level

A/N: In this story, I will not be making the third level the prehistoric jungle like it was in the film. Instead, I will be making it specifically a level based entirely around an abandoned version of Beacon Academy. 

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