Chapter 4: Level 1, The Moon

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In the computer lab, Fred was pacing back and forth, Daphne was sitting partially on a counter, Velma was standing by a computer, Blake and Weiss however, were looking at something on the bulletin board while Officer Wembely who caught them in the basement earlier, was sitting in a chair eating some chips

"Shaggy, Scooby, Ruby, and Yang have been gone for a long time." Daphne says

"Yeah..." Blake replies

"Maybe we should go look for them." Fred adds

"Nobody goes anywhere until Professor Kaufman gets back!" Officer Wembely says

Just then, Shaggy, Scooby, Ruby, and Yang come running through into the lab with The Phantom Virus following them

Shaggy and Scooby run by Officer Wembely's chair barely missing it. The Phantom Virus on the other hand, ended up making it, along with Wembely, spin and after it stops, the officer gets up a little dizzy

"What was that?" He asked, confused

"It's the phantom!"Fred said as him, Daphne, and Velma run past Officer Wembely. Blake and Weiss heard this and joined them in chasing the virus around the lab

While chasing the virus, they have no luck finding him and get lost and eventually all run into each other. Literally. 

"Can you get off of me??" Blake asks somehow having ended up at the bottom of the pile. Everyone except Yang manages to get off of her before they hear the laser charging up.

The group all look over and see that the laser is primed and shoots at them before they can do anything else, the next thing they know, they were transported into Cyberspace

Bill, Eric, Prof. Kaufman, and Officer Wembely saw the laser going back into idle mode

"What?!? The laser's been fired!" Eric says

"At that Phantom Virus, I hope." Wembely adds

Bill sits at his computer and types something

"I don't think so, look! Your friends have been beamed into cyberspace!" Bill said as an image came up on screen


Mystery Inc. along with Team RWBY all appear in a white area and look around confused. All of a sudden, space suits appear on them. he suits Mystery Inc. were wearing had Scooby's dog tag printed on them and the ones Team RWBY were wearing had a rose printed on them. Then, the level appears revealing where they are

"Jinkies! It looks like we've been beamed into Eric's computer game." Velma said as she looked around

"Why in the world is the first level the moon??" Blake asks

"I don't know." Velma replies


Everyone in the room gasped at what Bill just said

"So...throw a switch or something and get them out!" Wembely said

"The game doesn't work that way. They have to play through all the levels to get out." Eric states

"You're kidding me." Wembely replies

"I wish he was." Kaufman says

"Until they can get out by beating every level in the game, the danger in there will be very real...." Bill states

"Danger?!?!?" Wembely asks


"Check this out. I'm like, a superhero!" Shaggy said as he jumped around

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