Chapter 6: Level 3, Beacon Academy except it's abandoned

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The groups appear against another white background and look around. Eventually, the level starts appearing and what it turns out to be is an abandoned version of Beacon Academy

"Like, what in the world is this place??" Shaggy asks as he pulls out a flashlight

"It seems that we are in Beacon's completely empty." Blake answers

"And you four know that because?" Daphne asks.

Much to everyone's surprise, Shaggy is the one to answer the question Daphne asked

"It's like, a training academy for hunters and huntresses that deal with what I believe Ruby said were called Grimm. There's four academies if I remember correctly. Beacon is the one located in Veil." Shaggy answered

"How in the world does Shaggy know that?" Daphne asked

"I don't know." Velma answers

"You see, Daphne, back during the trip to Oakhaven, it was something I explained to them while in the back of The Mystery Machine." Ruby responds

"Wait...what's that thudding??" Yang asks.

Shaggy turns to the direction the thudding as coming from

"Zoinks!!! What's that?!?!?" Shaggy screams as his hair spikes up for about 2 seconds

Everyone looks over and sees The Phantom Virus riding what looks like some unknown type of Grimm

"How's THIS for a heavy hitter?!?!?" The virus asks. 

"Like, let's get out f here!!" Shaggy says as he takes off running

"Ri'm with ryou, Raggy!!" Scooby responds as he follows Shaggy

"Quick, into one of the classrooms, the doors are too small for them to fit!!" Fred says as him, Velma, and Daphne take off running with Shaggy and Scooby

Not really seeing any ways to fight that huge unknown Grimm, Team RWBY follow Mystery Inc. and duck into the classroom they hid in

Once everyone was in, Velma locked the door and Shaggy and Scooby nail boards and chains on the door and put things in front of it

"Do those two do that every time you are dealing with a large sized monster??" Blake asks

"More or less." Daphne responds

"One thing is for sure. We're gonna need some fire to keep us warm while we discuss plans to go and find the Scooby snacks otherwise we'll A., be stuck in this level forever, and B., die from the cold." Velma states

"Someone's gonna need to go out there for fire fuel." Weiss said as everyone in the room looked at Shaggy and Scooby who were playing cards on a table

The two look at everyone and shake their heads resuming their game of cards

"It;s obvious those two won't be the ones to do it." Yang says

"Then who will??" Daphne asks

"I will." Blake says


Bill, Eric, Prof. Kaufman, and Officer Wembely were watching the screen

"Well, they seem to be doing pretty good so far." Eric said

"I'm wondering something here, fellas. Who activated that laser and sent those poor kids and huntresses into the game?" Wembely asks

"Who knows. Could be anyone." Bill answers

"Even someone in this very room." Kaufman adds looking around at everyone else with a suspicious look on his face 

Everyone looks at him and then they all look back at the screen


Yang decided to go with Blake to search for some firewood

"So, where would there be firewood here?" Yang asked

She asked the question cause her and Blake were searching in the boiler room for firewood

"Trust me, we will find something here. Even if it isn't firewood." Blake answers

Meanwhile, back in the room, Shaggy, Scooby, and Ruby fell asleep while Weiss, Velma,Daphne, and Fred were staying guard in case anything were to happen while Ruby and the cowardly duo were asleep

"So...any idea on how to locate the Scooby Snacks?" Daphne asked

"Nope." Weiss answered.

All of a sudden,a loud screech was heard and it was loud enough to wake up Shaggy, Scooby, and Ruby.

"Like, what was that???"" Shaggy asked who has since jumped into Scooby's arms

"I don't know but Yang and Blake better hurry up." Weiss answered

Scooby started whimpering when a second loud screech was heard.

"Like, calm down Scoob. It'll be okay." Shaggy said to calm down his canine friend

All of a sudden, a Nevermore breaks through the roof 

"Zoinks!" Shaggy screamed

"Rikes!" Scooby exclaimed

The duo darted over to the door and started taking the boards down and moving things out of the way to allow their escape

"What is that thing??!?" Daphne asked

"A Nevermore." Weiss explained

"I don't suggest worrying about it, Daphne. I suggest worrying about who's riding it. Look!" Fred shouted pointing to The Phantom Virus

"How is this, you meddling kids and pesky huntresses??!?" The virus asked riding the nevermore

Velma noticed what looked like a furnace on the chalkboard behind them

"I think I know where the Scooby Snacks are." Velma explained

"Then let's go!" Daphne yelled running out the door which has now been unlocked and unblocked.

The rest of Mystery Inc. follow her along with Weiss and Ruby and they all head down to the boiler room. However, un-benounced to them, the Nevermore that The Phantom Virus was riding breaks the wall into a large enough hole to fit through and gives chase to the group

"Yikes!! Like, that thing is chasing us!!" Shaggy stated

"And that Virus creep is still on it!" Ruby replied

"If Velma's hunch is correct Ruby, we won't have to wait much longer before we can get to the next level and away from it." Weiss stated

"Like, I hope that her hunch, whatever it is, is correct." Shaggy says

Eventually, the group reached the boiler room and slammed the boor behind them

"Weiss, ice wall blocking the door, now!" Ruby ordered

Weiss nodded and pulled out Myrtenaster, put ice Dust in it, and used Myrtenaster to summon a wall of ice in front of the door

"Okay, everyone Search the room for the Scooby Snacks and don't stop searching unless your legs get tired or you find the snacks. Who knows how long Weiss' ice wall will last against that Nevermore seeing how large it was" Fred ordered

With that, everyone in the room,even Blake and Yang who overheard it, started searching the boiler room for the Scooby Snack box

Weiss' ice wall started to crack near the enter indicating that the Nevermore that chased them into the boiler room had broke off the door and was trying to break the ice

"Ri found rit!!" Scooby said standing up on his hind legs holding the Scooby Snacks for everyone to see.

"Hey, he found the Scooby Snacks." Shaggy said just as everyone started going to the next level

Just as they all were getting sent to the fourth level, the Nevermore broke the ice wall Weiss made

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