Chapter 11: The Phantom Virus confronted and defeated

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"Hey, Winter, can I talk to you for a second?" Qrow asks going behind a shelf.

Winter decides to just go along with it.

"What do you want?" Winter asks

"When I first got here before you,I noticed that that virus chasing those kids, their dog, Weiss, Yang, Blake, and Ruby has an obsession with sports themes and metaphors. Specifically Baseball." Qrow answers

"And you are telling me this because?..." Winter questions

"I have this feeling that McLemore fella created that virus. I mean, look at his station.It has baseball stuff all over it. He himself is a baseball fan which that alone makes it more suspicious." Qrow said

Winter raised an eyebrow not really buying the story

"Plus, as far as I know, he's the only baseball fan that even knew about that laser." Qrow added


Mystery Inc. their cyber doubles, Team RWBY, and Team RWBY's cyber doubles, are walking along the boardwalk looking for the two Scoobys.

"Scooby-Doos?!?!?" Shaggy yells

"Where are you?!?!?" Cyber Shaggy adds

"Rover here!!" the groups hear he Scoobys say

"Come here Scooby." the Shaggys say in unison.

The Scoobys run over to ther Shaggys

"Now that we're all here, we have one last monster to face...: Fred stated

"The Phantom Virus." Daphne added

"But remember, this is the final level." Velma mentioned

"So the virus won't be easy to beat." Weiss added

Shaggy feels something in his pocket and reaches his hand in and pulls out the magnet he was given by Prof. Kaufman.

"Like, I still have the magnet Professor Kaufman gave me." Shaggy said looking at the magnet

Blake facepalms, Weiss sighs, and Ruby and Yang simply look at each other not seeming surprised

"You mean you had that magnet with you all this time and you forgot about it?" Velma asked

"Like, yeah. I guess I was too busy being scared." Shaggy said

"That would have been useful about oh I don't know, 5 or 6 levels ago?!!?!" Blake snapped

"Like, geez. You figured with every time she was around me, she'd remembered I would forget things when scared." Shaggy said to himself

"What's wrong with Cyber Shaggy?" Velma asked looking at the cyber double of her cowardly friend

They noticed he was glitching out a little like how the virus was glitching out when he stepped on Weiss' magnet.

Everyone looks at their Cyber Double and sees them glitching as well and tries snapping them out of it in different ways

"What's going on here??" Daphne asks.

"The Cyber-gang and Team RWBY are composed of electro-magnetic energy. Therefore, effected by the magnets. Just like The Phantom Virus." Velma explains

Shaggy puts his magnet up and the cyber clones all go back to normal.

"What's this about a magnet??" Cyber Shaggy asked.

"Hey. We have a way to beat the virus now." Fred adds

"What's going on?" Cyber Daphne asks

"Don't worry about it." Daphne responds

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