Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Elsa's POV

I sit in the middle of the clearing, taking deep breaths. I am alive and no one was hurt.

No one was hurt.

No one was hurt.

No. One. Was. Hurt.

Blinking, I get up. Nothing happened and I am fine. A snap sounds and I turn around, panicked. Anna comes out of the woods tentatively, a complete mess.

"Anna," I say, relaxing, "I'm so sorry. This was all an accident. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Are you?" She asked, her face worried.

"I'm fine. We should go home." I said, quickly going over to her and taking her hand. She looks at me as if to protest, but I shot her a look, "Anna, please. It's fine. I just got a bit... emotional. The topics were sensitive and I was afraid."

"Ok," she sighs, "but don't be afraid next time. I'll always be here for you." I smile at her and we leave to wood behind, keeping a quick pace as we head back.

Jack POV

I circle the ice spanning the forest. It coats the trees in thick sheets. I've never seen anything like this before. It's... impossible. I fly lower, and make out two people, but I can't see anything more than blurs of color. Even then, theres just a bit of blue and purple; and that could be the ice. Backpedaling, I take off towards the Arendelle's house agains; the guys have got to hear about this. There could be someone... like me.

Eugene POV

Adam and I stare through the window. She's just... gorgeous. I think that she's perfect for me. I've never seen anyone like her before. Someone so... perfect.

"Boo." I hear a whisper jump. I laugh, "Are you done stalking her yet?" Jack asks, smirking at us. I put on a grin, and resist laughing at Adam, who's turned bright red.

"I'm not-" Adam splutters, and I just shrug, continuing to just grin.

"Ok then. That's not important. What is is that there is someone out there. Like me." Jack says, smiling so much that I think his face might be pulled apart.

"As in.. magical crap?" I ask, scratching the back of my head. He nods and my mouth falls open. Gaping at him, I ask"But-how?"

"No idea. I want to know, though."

"Know what?"

"Who she is."

Elsa POV

"Anna, I'm fine!" I say for the billionth time, tolling my eyes at her fish faced expression.

"So.... you aren't running away, right?"

"I'm not. Anna, I would never leave you." I say, grabbing her shoulders, "You are all that I have left?"

"Mom and dad-" She starts, obviously confused.

"Would never understand. I don't know them anymore and they don't know me. They haven't understood anything for awhile now. I mean, they don't even know about you-know-what." I say sadly, before hugging Anna to my side. I hate knowing that I'm doing this to her, she just seems so sad and crestfallen. I have to tell her though. She needs to know.

"I guess." Anna says shrugging. We reach the house, and I hug her.

"You are my sister. I love you and no one will ever hurt you. I swear." I murmur into her shoulder before we go in. I know that everything's already melted; I know it has. Anna can always do that, always help me forget what I can do and what I have done and just let me love again. I hope that, well, he can do that too. Maybe.

When we get inside, I look around in confusion, "Where is everyone?" I ask, confused.

"Oh! Belle and Rapunzel are looking at dad's computer some more and Mulan's doing... something. I think she's guarding them or something." Anna replies, shrugging.

With a laugh, I lug her down the hall and into the study, where I scream, "What the hell- why are they watching through the window?" I shout.

"What?" Mulan asks, turning around and starting to shout, "What are you doing? Get away! We told you to leave." She glared at them, and I stepped back. No one wants to be near Mulan when she is this angry. Not even her parents, and her dad is a solider.

They fell down, and all of them took of except for Jack, who stared at Anna and I. I looked at her, and then at myself. Both of our clothes are dusted with snow. I kick her in the leg and gesture to the door. We both quickly leave.

"He was watching us, wasn't he? This is all my fault! I should have noticed. Or, well, I guess we both should've but-" Anna started babbling.

"Shhh!" I say, shushing her, "It's fine. He can't know anything. If any of them or if he asks something, say that you found me at the ice rink. The one, like, a block away. They're open till midnight, so it'll be fine. He doesn't know." I reassure her.

"Ok, but are you-" She starts again.

"Yes, I am completely sure. He does not know. Our secrets are safe."

Anna nods and we stand in silence until the girls come out of the study, "Do you think he knew?" is the first thing asked, by Belle. I shake my head with a small smile.

"I don't think so. I'll just have to be careful; control my emotions." I say, biting my lip.

"Are you sure?" Belle asks, worried, "Remember last time? None of us want to lose you. Especially with all of this."

"I'm sure. I'm not going anywhere." I say.

Jack POV

I sit in the window, one leg hanging out and the other standing upright ion the sill. I swing the one back and forth, lost in thought.

"Hello? Jack? You there?" Shang asks, hitting my shoulder.

Blinking, I turn to him, "I'm fine. I- I mean I'm here." i say, stumbling over the words. One of them... it could be one of them.

"He's lost it." Shang says, grinning.

"I have not!" I retort defensivley, "It's just... someone... like me. But then there's her and she's so beautiful..." I say, smiling to myself.

"Back off!" Flynn and Adam yell at once, and then glare at one another.

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning to them, "What's wrong with you two?" Kristoff asks at the same time.

"They're both hardcore crushing on Belle." Shang says, smirking.

"Shut up, Prettyboy!" Flynn snaps, "At least I'm not fawning over Miss Man."

"Don't call her that!"

"Guys, shut it!" I say, "Get over yourselves. Girls like them? I doubt that we've got a chance with them."

"You're ridiculous!" Flynn says, laughing, "You can't even see what's right in front of you."

"What?" I ask, and all of them start laughing, "What? This isn't funny!" I say, running a hand through my hair. They are all so obnoxious.

AN: THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!! Vote, read more(it will make you live longer. Well... not longer. But happier!), follow and COMMENT!!! I want you people to comment and be jerks so I know what to change! PLEASE don't be a reader with so many criticisms that doesn't post anything. But don't hate. There is a slim line there, between hating and criticizing.

What do you think of the new cover? I love it! Note that the black things are the shadows of the villains, but if you want you can try to figure out who and what the villains are. Hint is that none of them are in disney and that they are all humans.

Now, Jelsa suggestion!!!This will just be when I feel like it or remember it or have a good book to share. And it won't always be Jelsa. Sometimes horror. Or sci-fy. Or books from school.

So, I've been reading a lottt of Jelsa spy books, but my all time favorite is Don't Fall For the Enemy by Why_would_YOU_care77. The first book is done and there's a sequel(which I'm scared to read because Im worried it won't be as cool(to me) but am also dying to read but don't have much time(cuz I'm dumb in the fact I'm in a billion clubs and classes)). So, go! Look it up while you wait!

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