Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jacks POV

I press against the wall, panting. I have to know, and this is the best way to. I look in for a second, and Elsa is still there. She sitting at the computer, but I can't tell what it is that she's doing. This isn't going to work today.

I fly up to the roof and sit down on my staff, swinging one leg while I survey the landscape. After all, if somehow we can save one of the girls lives they might start to want to help us out a bit more. I start, almost falling and lean forward with my brow furrowed. Shadows and darting back and forth, shaking and quivering as I watch. A lone girls flashes here and there on the ground, coming closer and closer to the door.

God, is that who was following us?

Is it going after the girls now?

Assuming yes for both questions, I swing down from the roof and push through the window, before slamming it shut.

"You bast-" Elsa shrieked once she saw me, coming towards me but stopping at my panicked expression, "What's wrong?" She asks, immediatly looking around.

"There was a shadow. I couldn't see who was casting it," she looks at me with a really angry expression, but I continue, "I'm not joking. It's like whoever was following us. It wasn't any of you, it was some sort of wild curly haired woman. The shadow wasn't even a shadow, though. It had eyes. We need to do... Something!" I say, doing my best not to panic while I dial my phones speed dial. It connects all of our phones and I murmur into it, "Code red, Arendelle manor."

Elsa just looks shocked. It takes her a minute, but she snaps out of it and bolts downstairs, "Yagh." I say, rolling my eyes and running after her. What does she think she's going to do?

Elsa POV

I slide down the rail and run into the living room, "Frost came here! He said he saw someone coming towards the house. Mulan, go get your gun," she shot me a look, "fine, get your sword then." Rapunzel and I run into the kitchen with Belle on our heels. Rapunzel grabs a frying pan from the rack and I take a knife. Belle looks around and eventually just gets a flashlight.

"Trust me." She says at my incredulous look, also taking a wrench and screw driver.

I shrug and we converge in the living room, Jack and Mulan already there. Mulan holding a sword and in a waiting stance, Jack with a staff... I don't even want to ask how it will help, just like with Belle. I freeze.

"Wait, when is Anna getting back?" I ask, panicked. Rapunzel grabbed my arm, "Don't worry. She's fine, she won't be back in ages. It's her first date, after all. She'll find a way to make it last if she likes the guy." Jack glances at us, looking surprised but I don't really get why. A thud sounded from upstairs, and we all started. It was just the rest of the 'Brothers'. I guess that Jack called them to help us.




Time passed and we were all anxious. This doesn't feel right. If Jack wasn't lying, then someone is out there somewhere, and it's not my sister. Then the door sounded, at first knocks but it doesn't feel like that. It feels like pounding and hammering. I turn to face everyone else, eyes wide and fearful.

"Positions!" Jack shouted, holding his staff. Belle stood off to the side and we were all wherever we found a place, aside from the Brothers and Mulan, at least. They were all in what looked like battle stances.

The door was felled and chaos reigned.

A girl was the first through with wild hair and golden eyes, but that was the last I saw of her. She was followed by shadows and creatures of sand, that immediately overtook her. They were stuff of nightmares, images playing on them that made my eyes burn. I had no idea of what the creatures were, but I immediately hated them. I looked back and Jack seemed to be in shock. Shang took over and shouted out, "Jack, Mulan and I'll take them once they get in, Elsa, Rapunzel, Kristoff and Flynn take them a bit further back and Belle and Adam, take as many as you can."

We listened, for awhile. Then, it was obvious that Belle had an idea. She held the flashlight turned on, and shone it on every shadow that she could and they writhed in pain.

I grin at her, braid dripping with sweat and she smiles back.

Rapunzel POV

Elsa and Kristoff are both off to the sides, and I'm doing my best to keep Flynn and I from dieing. But, that doesn't work. Once Belle realizes her trick, the sand creatures are even worse. Images of hate and death, me swinging a frying pan and Flynn falls. I fall with him and they course over us.tears trickle from my eyes. I have no true idea of why, but I just have to. Taking my hair in hand, I put it over him and sing softly, my voice throaty and croaking in the dust.

"Flower, gleam and glow.

Let your power shine.

Save what has been lost,

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fates design.

Save what has been lost,

Bring back what once was mine.

What once was mine."

He starts a bit and I wheel backwards. I can't believe I did this. I cannot believe I did this. He's alive again and looks at me wide eyed. He knows that he had died, his front is half soaked through with blood.

"Please don't freak out!" I say in as quiet a voice I can while still speaking over the clamor.

He shakes his head and we stumble to our feet, trying to get out of the chaos with him leaning on my shoulder. His Brothers spot us leaving and their fighting becomes all the more stronger. My friends see me and they begin wildly fighting. Mulan is a whirlwind, and it's also really beautiful. She whirls and slashes and tricks.

We leave the room and I lay Flynn on a couch. He protests, but I stop him and start talking softly, "You aren't dead because I have... Magic hair that glows when I sing." I say, twining my hair around one finger. His mouth falls open and I start talking again.

"But... It also can heal people and bring their youth back." I say in a soft voice, twining my hair even more around my hand. He nods, mouth open.

Jack POV

We drove them back. I don't know how, but we drove them back, they left the half destroyed house and we sat amid the rubble.

"I don't think that they were ready for us," Belle comments. She sets the flashlight down and continues, "They just wanted to take us. They only tried to kill you all." I nod.

"I know who they were, but it's impossible." I say, running my hands through my hair,

"Who?" Elsa asks, eyes flashing, "If you brought this upon my family-"

"I didn't!" I protest, "That was Pitch Blacks army. Except, my father killed him twenty years ago." I say, falling into the dust.

They all look at me and one another in shock.

The door flies open and in a flurry of ribbons and fabric Anna flies in, luckily without Harry. Her mouth falls open and we look at her, slightly apprehensive.

AN: thanks for reading! This is my longest chapter yet, I think. It would be longer but I don't want to put to much in it, also sorry for the suckish Anna scene; I didn't want her to be forgotten!


The series Scarlet, by A. C. Gaughen is amazing! It's the world of Robin Hood, in which Will Scarlet is actually a girl. It's a normal book and I absolutely love it. The books are Scarlet(1) and Lady Theif(2).

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