1: Last Surprise

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(Hello! This is a quick romance of Ren x Akechi. It probably will only be a few chapters. Please be warned that if you decide to read this, there will be major spoilers of the ending of Persona 5. So please read at your own risk!

Also please note, the story's main image is a fanwork I found. It isn't mine. But if I knew the artist, I would post here to give them kudos! Thank you!)

(Inside Shido's Palace)

"Hahaha...I'll give you one last chance. Shoot them."

A cognitive rendition of the famous detective prince, Goro Akechi, chuckled maniacally as his vacant brown eyes stared at his real life counterpart. Refusing to believe this was the end, I kept my eyes locked on Crow.

Goro hesitated only a minute, before raising his gun and pointing it straight at my face. I grit my teeth.


"Yes. That's the you our Captain wishes to see.." The cognitive counterparts voice rose with menace. He was now grinning a wide toothed, big eyed smile. He looked beyond psychotic.

A pained sigh fell from Crows lips.

"Don't misunderstand... You're the one who's going to disappear!"

In the blink of an eye, Crow swung his arm and sent a shot right into the stomach of his twin villain. The Cognitive Akechi instantly crumpled, giving a pained groan as he held onto his injury.

Crow shifted again, pointing the barrel back at me. His second shot rang out, but instead of hitting me, it hit the glass case of the emergency button of the bulkhead door. Shattered glass fell to the floor, and alarms began ringing. A warning message sounded - the button had been pressed.

"All personnel within the partition wall, evacuate at once."

I didn't have a single moment to hesitate. I turned back to Crows pained gaze that stared at me. His eyes looked mournfully sad...

As quickly as I could I dove forward and somersaulted, just as the partition wall rose up behind me. I was in the knick of time.

Now, I was face to face with the injured shadow. I glanced back at Crow, then put my arm out, signalling him that this was my fight now.

"Ren! Akechi!" Ryuji could be heard on the other side, banging on the partition.

"You bastard!" Cognitive Akechi rose from his crumpled state and pointed his gun at me. In a split second, I ducked, shoving Crow to the side and dashing forward, both of us just barely missing his bullet.

"This ends now!" I yelled, producing my gun from my side and sending a bullet point blank at the shadow. It entered his chest and he stumbled.

"GAH!" He yelped, before dissolving into black dust and dissapearing.

"REN!" Ann and Haru both screamed at once, unable to determine the situation behind the bulkhead wall.

It was over..

I stood up slowly and shifted a piece of hair from my eyes, then turned. Akechi was kneeling with one leg on the ground in his exhausted state. His barely visible eyes behind his broken mask were wide with shock.


The detective prince was overcome with emotions. I could see the tears sparkling in his eyes.

With a gentle smile, I walked over to him and knelt down, taking his arm and putting it around my shoulders.

"Let's get you home."


"I'm so..exhausted..." Akechi breathed as I helped him up the stairs of LeBlanc. I could hear Futaba on the main floor talking with Sojiro, attempting to get Goro a pass to stay with us for a few days. After all, we still hadn't defeated Shido. We all agreed it would be safer if he went into hiding after today's events.

Transcendence: A Ren Amamiya x Akechi Goro Short Romance (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now