3: I Just Want to Feel Normal

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beep beep! beep beep! beep beep!

I awoke with a start, turning over onto my side and abruptly opening my eyes. Realising what time it was, I shut my eyes again and began feeling around my bed for my phone. If I could just turn off my alarm...

"Ren! Ren you'll be late. Get up."

A sudden heavy cat of mine jumped onto my chest and I grunted. I opened my eyes again with a sigh.


Within 15 minutes I'd woken up, showered, and put on jeans, a t shirt and a black blazer. I grabbed my bag then headed down the stairs, waving to Morgana as I did. Akechi met me on the last step.

"Ah, you're...awake." He was dressed in a black long sleeve hoodie and a pair of jeans, his hood up. A good outfit to ensure he stayed hidden when we went out today.

I nodded to him.

"I'm ready."


Even as we passed through the train terminal and up the stairs to Central Street, it still surprised me at how fast Akechi walked. I casually sauntered beside him with my hands in my pockets, but at times would fall behind.
We walked together in a calm silence, but I noticed I was falling steps behind him again. I consciously upped my pace.

"It's not much, you know." I muttered, referring to the diner we were making our way to. I glanced his way but saw he was still staring ahead, his hood overshadowing his face.

"That's fine." Akechi seemed determined. I was surprised.

"I just...want to feel normal."

His overconfident tone was still in full gear. Having seen the way he was in Shido's palace; how deep he'd fallen into the depths of insanity due to the abuse he'd suffered, I admired how well he could pick himself up after. Akechi was somewhat of an enigma. He'd perfected his different faces, so well that even I wasn't sure when he would crack, even for a second.

I looked up and noticed we had arrived. I signalled to Akechi and he turned left, entering the diner. As part of my duty of taking him out today, at his request (and for my own peace of mind), I glanced around the area for any particularly suspicious subjects. Akechi was being legitimately followed by presumably Shido's followers, and based on the break and enter from the other night, clearly they had information on me too.

"Ren? Are you coming?"

I saw no one of particular interest, so I followed Akechi inside.

He chose a table and sat down, I taking a seat across from him. The wood panelling and light yellow lighting held the same calming atmosphere it always had. Just that this morning, I wasn't making plans to infiltrate a palace with my friends. Instead, I was here on just a regular mission to get coffee and eat breakfast. And to get Akechi feeling more relaxed, of course.

"I've always passed by this place, but never gone inside." He kept his hood up, but looked around with a sparkle in his eye. It was the first time I'd seen him genuinely smile since nearly being killed by his own shadow–at Shido's hands.

"I like it. It's relaxing; and it feels welcoming." His bright grin directed itself to me, and for some reason I felt a little embarrassed. He looked much more normal when he smiled.

I averted my eyes from his.

"What are you getting? Can you order for me? I don't want anyone to notice me." Akechi grabbed the small menu on the side of our table and began flipping through it.

Transcendence: A Ren Amamiya x Akechi Goro Short Romance (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now