4: 2 Hours

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(As a new side project, I'm quite enjoying writing this story! Please remember that this does have Persona 5 spoilers in it. So read at your own risk. However I have not yet played Persona 5 Royal, so anything related to the new content from P5R will not be in this!

Finally, due to the nature of Persona, there are some swear words in this chapter. Just a warning!

Thank you again for reading. I am not the best writer, but I do try to make these fanfictions enjoyable and legitimate. I hope you're enjoying reading! :3 )

When I awoke, I was face down in the alleyway. I had no idea how long I'd been there, but my right arm, the one with the broken shoulder, was numb. I was soaked through my clothes; the heavy rain having pummelled me the entire time I was out.

"D-damnit.." I grumbled weakly, gritting my teeth in pain and exhaustion as I slowly rose myself to all fours, trying to stand with only one good arm. When I finally did so, I leant against the alley wall, panting breathlessly.

I looked around. I was alone.

That meant that Akechi was really gone. Seeing him shoved into the back of that black car...it wasn't a dream.

I whipped out my phone with my non dominant hand and slowly, shakily began typing a text in the group thread of the chat app.


Ren: Akechi is gone. Shido attacked us.

Ann: WHAT!?

Ryuji: Dude for real!?

Yusuke: Ren where are you?

Futaba: I've already traced your phone. Guys he's outside the diner on Central Street.

Makoto: Wait for us. We'll be right there.

Ren: Bring help..my shoulder is broken

Haru: I've already called an ambulance. Stay there Ren. Help is on the way.

Ryuji: Buddy just take it easy. I'm hopping on the train now.

Ann: Futaba, grab Morgana and meet Yusuke and I on the line.

Futaba: Got it. I'll be right there.

Haru: Makoto, my driver will pick you up. 10 mins.

Makoto: Thanks. Ren, stay where you are.

Ren: Hurry..


I shoved my phone back in my pocket and slowly slid down against the wall. The pain from my shoulder was starting to come back, and I was literally helpless in this alleyway. But I had no where to go. If I went back into the diner, I could risk some more of Shido's men coming to attack me. After all, I had to presume that waitress was still inside. And who knows, it was entirely possible now that Shido had informants in all of the shops down this street..

Gritting my teeth to try and keep my head clear as I struggled through the pain, I sat on the ground and leant my head against the wall. I closed my eyes.

Were there any clues on that car? Maybe I could find Akechi if I could just remember any details..

But as I closed my eyes, my exhaustion waned again. I felt more pain shoot through my arm, and before I knew it, I'd blacked out for the second time.


"Yo, did you find anything?"

"They think he's holed up inside the Diet Building. Makoto and Yusuke are undercover inside, trying to find out where he's hiding him."

Transcendence: A Ren Amamiya x Akechi Goro Short Romance (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now