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(Kakashi's POV)
It was my first day of Senior year. One more year in this shit hole! I was a lonely kid. Hanging out with Naruto didn't help either. My life is okay it's just really boring. I walk to the same old locker I've used since freshman year and open it.

Combination denied.

I try again.

Combination denied.

Shit did they upgrade the lockers? I decide to go talk to the nearest teacher. Uchiha Obito? O-Obeetoe YouCheHa? The only Uchiha I know is Sasuke and Itatchi, but Itatchi graduated. That was a year ago so he couldn't have became a teacher and changed his name in such a short notice. I knock on the door and a few seconds later a tall, lean guy opens the door. I assume, Obito.

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asks me in a raspy deepish voice.

"U-Um ye-yes Um did the-y changed the lockers combinations?" I stutter out whatever the hell kinda sentence that was like its change not changed I'm so stupid why am I stuttering so much?

"Yes they did, uh your name?" He asks me and smiles

"K-Kakashi Hatake" I respond to him, though I'd rather my name be Obito's Boyfrie- WHAT.

"Alright, it says here your locker is that one now." He points to the locker directly beside his door and hands me a combination. Do not tell me I'm in his homeroom!

"Oh and, you will be in my homeroom. Here's your schedule." He hands me my schedule and our hands brush by gently making me shiver all over.

I go to my locker which is like 2 steps away from my previous position. I look at the combination. I open my locker and shove all my stuff inside that I do not need for the day. I close my locker and stuff the combination in my backpack. I head into my homeroom and begin to find a seat, assuming we can do that since we can freely choose in every class.

I look for a seat and attempt to walk over to it, but being stopped by someone. Someone grabs my backpack and pulls me back. He lets go and waves me over to the seat approximatley right angled in front of his desk. Are you kidding. I walk over, hoping that it's not my seat.

"Go on, it's your seat. For the rest of the year." He says, whispering the last part smirking. He goes back outside to greet the other students. You're kidding. I'm not only one with an assigned seat? Students that arrive just waltz in without the teacher stopping them and giving them an assigned seat.

Eventually everyone arrives, so Mr- No, I'm gonna call him Obito. This is my brain so he can't say anything. Obito walks back in and shuts the door. His eyes are instantly connected with mine as he walks in. I shudder. I look away, although his eyes are still staring at me I can feel it. He walks to his desk and I feel his presence. He sits down at his desk, and I can't even look at him.

I suddenly notice that nobody sat beside me. No no no no no did none of my friends make it into my hellhole homeroom with me?? Fuck. I sigh and look down at my desk. Obito leans back in his chair, the squeaking noise brings my attention to him. I look at him. He uncrosses his legs, I watch his legs unfold. For some reason I don't look away, I wish WISH I had looked away. I accidentally look at his...his..Fuck. I quickly look away and feel my face heat up.

I slam my face on my desk. The bell rings. I look at my schedule.

"Period One: Uchiha Obito - World History"

Dear god I have to deal with him FIRST PERIOD? It's way too earlier for this! Ugh! I lay my head back on the table. Someone comes over and..Massages my shoulders? Wtf? I look up and see that goddamn teacher again.

"You have to sit your head up, this is your first day. First impressions are important." He says, oddly comforting. I enjoy the massage, but he stops. What a tease!

I glare at him and he just smirks. I sit up and get ready for class to begin. I love history but I just can't pay attention. There's something about this new teacher. I lay my head back down and begin to daydream. Suddenly a pencil is thrown at my head. I sit up and groan, darting my eyes around to figure out who threw it. Fucking Obito.

I throw it back at him and he gasps as if I just murdered someone. He storms off to his desk. The rest of the class is doing work, I slept through about an hour dang. He gets out a pink slip and writes stuff down. He comes back to me and hands me it.

"Detention. Not following directions and Assault." He says as if I couldn't read what was on the paper. Fuck that. I shove it in my binder. The bell rings and I storm out of his classroom.

The rest of my day is horrible. I look back at my detention slip.

"Consequence date: 1/1/20"

Haha he sure is funny giving me detention on the night of the first dsy of school. Fuck no. I throw it in the trash and walk home. I fling the door open and storm upstairs and lie down. What's the worst that could happen?

AC: and that is the first chapter ladies ,  gentlemen, and everything in between.  Oh and by the way this was supposed to be published on January first, but I forgot to hit publish until I saw that there was "0/1 chapters published" Thanks for reading!

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