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Usually when people start dating someone, they are very keen to tell those close to them. However sometimes they find out first in the most awkward timings.

Mark and the others had come over to Jeni's apartment, hearing that their leader was over for a movie night.

What Mark didn't expect when he unlocked the front door and stepped into the living room however was....


Jeni was straddling Jaebum, and the two, who had both denied multiple times over the years that they weren't dating, were locked in heavy make out session.

"Ya'll need Jesus." Mark said.

Jeni detatched her lips from Jaebum and looked up at Mark.

"Hey Mark." Jeni said, casually, as if she hadn't just been making out with their leader on the couch.

"Since when?" BamBam asked, loudly might I add.

"Uhh." Jeni said, looking down at the leader, who still had his hand tightly grasped onto Jeni's bare hips.

"First can you two at least separate before we have this conversation?" Jinyoung asked, as he pulled out the snacks they had brought.

Jaebum removed his hands from Jeni's waist and Jeni got off Jaebum and walked toward the kitchen, promptly coming with 8 beers in hand.

Now taking a place next to Yugyeom, she opened her beer and took a sip.

"So what do you want to know." Jeni said, nonchantly.

"When, why, how?" BamBam said, highly confused.

"Uh, a week or so ago, umm attraction, and uh a couple of drinks?" Jeni said.

Jaebum and her hadn't even really made it official. It was the case of a few years on Jaebum's side and a few months on Jeni's side of pent up attraction and a few hard drinks lead to a very eventful and memorable night.

Jinyoung sighed.

"Are you guys even an actual couple?"

Jaebum and Jeni looked at eachother, unsure on how to answer.

"Dear god." Jinyoung said.

"Umm, we're kinda figuring it out right now?" Jaebum said, though it sounded more like he was asking himself the question.

"Let's just watch the damm movie and you too will go into the kitchen and figure it out." Jinyound said flipping on a random movie.

Jeni and Jaebum made their way into Jeni's kitchen.

"So....." Jeni said, not looking Jeni in the eye.


"What are we?" The two said at the same time.

"I mean do you want to do date? Or is this just a elongated hook-up?" Jaebum asked.

"I'm honestly confused. I mean, my relationship with Yedam didn't start this way, and I don't really know how realtionships are supposed to work. I really love you Jae, but I don't know how to date." Jeni admitted.

"Well then let me show you. We can take it slow, and we can work things out between us." Jaebum said grasping her hand slightly.

"But what about the age gap? Is that okay?" Jeni said standing closer to Jaebum.

"Yes. It's only three years, besides you dated Yedam when he was 5 years younger than you, so I highly doubt that will be the problem."

"But that was the problem with Yedam and I. That's why I'm nervous." Jeni admitted.

"No matter what, I'll still love you Jeni. You're the best thing to happen to me." Jaebum said, pressing his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." Jeni said, smiling slightly before pressing her lips against Jaebum's.

The couple separated after a few moments, and then Jaebum spoke up again.

"Be my girlfriend?"

"Fuck yeah."

Jeni grinned before pulling Jaebum into a passionate kiss.

"You guys seriously need Jesus."

"Jesus christ Youngjae."

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