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Jeni sighed, coming home from a long day of multiple meetings for modeling jobs. She gave a friendly wave to the security guard and drove into the parkade below the building. She gathered her stuff from the passenger seat and stepped out, locking the car behind her.

She sighed, putting in a pair of AirPods to avoid talking to anyone. She just to take a hot shower and drink some cold beers. Maybe watch a shitty romcom or two. She reached her apartment, unlocking all four locks on her door before stepping into the dim apartment. She tossed her stuff on the little enclove in the entryway, and quickly pulled off her boots. Sighing, she walked towards her bedroom, flickering on the light and grabbing what she needed to shower.

She gather some fresh undergarments and one of Jaebeom's shirts that he left behind. She felt her phone vibrate, and fished her phone out of her pocket.

LA gang gang is calling.....

"Hey." Jeni started, her tired voice accentuating her english.

"How was your day?" Mark asked, also back in English.

"Long. I'm about to take a nice hot shower, and I have to figure what to eat. Then I'm gonna crack a cold one and watch some shitty movies." Jeni said, shutting the light off and walking into her bathroom.

"Okay. How long of a shower are you gonna take?" Mark suddenly asked.

"Uh, I need to shave my legs so so like 25 minutes? But my long as hair needs to be taken care of so that gives me way more time to think about what the fuck I'm gonna make for dinner." Jeni sighed.

"Cool." Mark said before hanging up.

"Weirdo." Jeni muttered before connecting her phone to the bluetooth speaker in her shower.

"Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio~" Jeni sung as she stripped off her clothing and turned the shower on.

20 minutes later, Jeni stepped out of the steamy shower into the slightly less steamy bathroom. Hearing a slight ruckus she sighed, it was probably the old lady across the hall making her monthly batch of way too much freaking kimchi. Deciding to crank up her music, she took her time. After drying her hair pretty much completely, she stepped out of the bathroom.

"I guess i'll just make-"

Jeni stepped into the living room to see the guys crowded around her living area.

"What the actual fuck?" Jeni said, making the members turn around.

"Food time!" Jackson shouted, jumping up from his seat and dragging Jeni by the arm into her kitchen in the next room.

She found Jinyoung pulling out cutlery, and once spotting Jeni he gave her a warm smile.

"Midnight and I were texting and she mentioned how many meetings you had today so we got a bunch of delivery food, and we're gonna have a memorable night." Jackson said.

jeni | got7 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now